Amazon UK 因为产品标题涉及侵权被冻结, 销售权限被移除
You currently may not sell on because you are offering items that may infringe intellectual property rights or may be inauthentic. Examples of these items are at the end of this email.
Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue.
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to
To sell on again, please send the following information to
— Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 90 days. The quantity of items shown should match your inventory.
— If you are not the brand owner, provide an authorization letter and a complete set of documentation, including authorization letters, to prove a valid supply chain.
— If you are the brand owner, provide a copy of the brand registration certificate, and business license or personal identity card.
— Contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, email, and website.
You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
In addition, send us a plan with actions you took to resolve the issue and prevent similar complaints. Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.
We will review your information and decide if you may sell on Amazon again. If you do not send the required information within 17 days, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon. Failure to appeal this decision may result in funds being withheld and any FBA inventory of the items that caused “inauthentic” complaints may be destroyed at your expense.
Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:
–Amazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policy (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... 165970)
–Intellectual Property Violations (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... 361070)
–Policies and Agreements (
To talk to someone about this email, ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral-europe.a ... rmance).
ASIN: “Iphone,Ipad,Samsung” – – B0744H4VPX, B0744G3HGF, B0744FVBFC
Seller Performance Team
Amazon Payments
Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A., partnership limited by shares, is a company registered in Luxembourg, Registration Number B 153 265, with its corporate office at 5 Rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg. VAT Number LU 24448288. Amazon Payments Europe is authorised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier as an Electronic Money Issuer (licence number 36/10). and Amazon Payments are trading names of Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A.
这是一个新手比较犯的错误,将Iphone,Ipad,Samsung 等品牌关键词直接加入到标题中,会引起买家的误会,认为这是samsung等公司出品的产品,亚马逊是禁止此类标题的写法。
正确的写法应该是 xxxx for iPhone 7 或 xxxx for Samsung s8
那么接下来如何进行申诉? 但,这里要说明的是,即使按照要求申诉后账户销售权限恢复的情况也不是大家想象中的那么乐观,所以大家在上架产品的时候一定要认真先了解清楚平台规则!
Dear Amazon seller support,
Thank you for your concern of our account.
We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we offering items that may infringe intellectual property rights or may be inauthentic.
We immediately check the listings. Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.
Secondly, We had removed the listings and promise we won’t sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant.
We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback. Hope Amazon can look through to it.
If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:
1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.
3. We will check all the products we’ve been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer’s right.
4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
糟糕的账户表现(您账户的客户指标order defect rate, cancellation rate, late shipment rate等等一些指标没达到亚马逊的要求)
违反亚马逊的销售政策 (卖仿货,卖假货,产品上传严重违规无视平台要求,同站点多账户运营被关联时一个账户销售权限被移除其他的账户跟着出问题)
Step 1: 搞清楚是什么原因导致您的账户销售权限被移除
账户销售权限被移除以后亚马逊一般都会发一封Notification给卖家,卖家可以通过这封邮件得知准确的原因,到底是因为账户表现差,还是违反亚马逊的销售政策或者销售了平台禁售的产品… …
Step 2: 评估你过往的销售操作
Step 3: 创建一个补救的行动计划
写一个行动计划概括一下你在Step 2 中发现的与账户销售权限被移除有关的问题,提供一个能够有效解决相关问题的精确的行动计划可以很大程度上恢复你账号的销售权限
Step 4: 把你申诉的内容发给亚马逊
补救的行动计划创建写完后, 将其发送给亚马逊希望其恢复您的卖家销售权限。
点击Performance按钮中的Performance Notifications
点击Appeal decision按钮
点击Submit,把您申诉的内容发给亚马逊的Seller Performance进行评估,Seller Performance会根据您提供的申诉内容以及这次销售权限被移除的严重程度来决定是否恢复您的亚马逊账户卖家权限
Step 5: 关注你的Email和后台Notification
让亚马逊知道你已经确定搞清楚了自己在销售或者产品管理中存在某些特定的问题 (知道错了,并且知道错在哪里)
说明你会怎么样去改进和避免这些出现的问题 (让亚马逊知道你会采取积极的态度并且拿出合适的方案和步骤去改进这些问题,提高用户体验)
Example 1: Notifications来邮件说因为您账户的Order Defect Rate(ORD值)过高导致销售权限被移除
处理方法 :
检查账户的Customer Metrics页面搞清楚到底是哪个指标不合格,影响ODR值的指标有:1-2星的Negative Feedback,A-to-Z claims,Chargebacks claims (简单来说就是差评和纠纷)。
纠纷和差评最能反映客户对于订单的不满,对于客户反映较多的问题,你要在申诉计划中给亚马逊一个合理避免这些问题的步骤 (我要如何避免和改进,我们计划是:1怎么怎么样,2怎么怎么样,3怎么怎么怎么样…)。
Example 2: Notifications来邮件说因为你账户的发货延迟率过高导致销售权限被移除,你的发货延迟率( Late Shipment)不达标
处理方法 :
发货延迟率过高是因为在上传产品时后台的Handing Time设置的过短(如果卖家不设置则默认为2个工作日),那么在你的补救申诉计划中要提现出你要修改Handing Time的意图,从而能够在规定的时间在后台确认发货。
Example 3: Notifications来邮件说因为账户的订单取消率(pre-fulfillment order cancel rate)过高导致销售权限被移除
处理方法 :
如果你的卖家账户因为违反亚马逊平台政策被取消了销售权限 , 你先检测下店铺内的产品看它们其中有没有包含一些平台的禁售产品。
Example: Notifications来邮件说卖家账户销售权限被移除是因为销售…… 比方说 promotional versions of media (亚马逊上的禁售品)
处理方法 : 立马删除这些禁售品(比如promotional versions of media 或其他…)后期经常检查账户确保不再上传此类禁售品并且一旦发现立即删除。