
一个顾客想要退货,又不想付邮费,所以发了个假的产品安全投诉。我们只卖全新的产品。我们申请了产品退货单,把产品收回来了,发现完全没有问题啊。现在我的账户有个安全投诉,还存在被封号的危险。我发邮件给seller performance,结果一直收到机器回复。我不停解释这个投诉是假的,顾客也没任何证据说明产品已经被使用过,下面是我收到的回复:
"Your plan does not sufficiently address the complaint we received about the listing at the end of this email. To be sufficient, your plan must

o Include more details about the steps you have taken to prevent similar complaints.
o Describe how you will prevent complaints, not just how you will react to them.
o Show that you have taken responsibility for the complaints. Based on our investigation, this complaint was not caused by issues out of your control or anti-competitive behavior.
If you would like us to reinstate your listing, please reply to this email with an updated plan. If it sufficiently addresses the complaint, we will reinstate your listing."

How do I make a plan to prevent customer from lying? I try to reason with them but they keep responding with the SAME message (above). I don't even care about selling this product anymore, I just don't want my account to be suspended. Seller support keep telling me that they cant do anything (surprising huh?) and to email seller support. Anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice?
我要怎么做才能防止顾客撒谎(抓狂)? 我都向他们解释了好多次,可是他们一直回复我信息的就是上图那样。我已经不在乎卖不卖这个产品了,只想解除账户封号风险。Seller support一直说他们也无能为力(很惊讶吧?)。有人遇到类似情况吗?有啥好建议?求!万分感谢!



我想你肯定也像我们一样不愿意承认自己没做过的事情。可那又有什么用,亚马逊不在乎。顾客就是上帝。如果你承认错误能恢复listing和账户,那就认错吧。除非你发3-4封邮件能联系performance rep并理解你的诉求,从而得到解决。好运!
