申诉 • Jovy1001855700 回复了问题 • 3 人关注 • 5 个回复 • 2466 次浏览 • 2022-04-29 15:24
亚马逊 • 牙齿齐刷刷 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 25712 次浏览 • 2017-07-12 17:41
电邮的后半段,亚马逊表示如果卖家可以提出完善解决抱怨原因的办法,就有可能恢复卖家的销售权。限时 17 天内要提解决办法,如果没有提交亚马逊将移除店铺 Listing 并且持续冻结账户资金。最后告知几个你可能违反的亚马逊条款,针对这些条款提出解决办法。
Appeal Letter to Amazon Seller Performance Team
Dear Amazon.com Seller Performance Team,
We recognize and understand the mistakes we made to bring us to this point.
These are our mistakes
1. Listing products that do not match the detail page 100%.
2. Failure to include appropriate quantities for product we listed against, as described on the detail page.
3. Failure fulfill products that match the detail page’s specification including but not limited to height, length, width, weight, color, material, brand, unique product identifier, functionality and authenticity of the product.
4. Improperly identify products we created listings for. Example: We didn’t provide full explanation that our products are the material we actually stated them; sometimes lacking any claim to material integrity at all.
5. Failure to comply with Amazon.com image and description compliance. Example: Our main images do not have white backgrounds with only the product in the image. Our descriptions were not full enough to provide the customer with full information to make a confident purchase on Amazon.com. This results in unsatisfied customer upon receipt of the item.
Steps we have taken and will continue to take:
1. We have removed all listings that are not within Amazon.com policy. We will not relist until a full analysis of all ASINs. Only when the product matches the ASIN 100% will we then list the product for sale. There will be a two person review of appropriate item being packaged for delivery in an Excel type checklists that the fulfillment team can log, record, and track. If the product does not match the product detail page 100% we will delete product from our account.
2. We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness. This has ensured all products are ‘new’ as described on the detail page.
3. We have re-written the description and bullet points to improve accuracy of the item’s presentation to Amazon.com standards.
4. We have re-written all weights, dimensions and quantity per order.
5. We have re-photographed all items that are not displaying the product accurate enough.
Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
电邮发出后,很快就收到就收到亚马逊自动回复的电邮,表示将在 24 小时内联系卖家。
While we waited for a reply we started doing exactly what we stated in our appeal.
1. We removed inventory from listings we received prior performance notifications over to check the quality and ensure it matched what was described on the listing.
2. We started changing out main pictures that did not have a pure white background.
3. We updated and changed product information and went into as much detail as possible about the product.
4. We contacted customers who left negative feedback and attempted to improve the feedback submitted by those customers.
虽然自动回复的信件表示 24 小时内会联系卖家,但这位卖家迟迟没有收到回信,等了十天之后决定发第二封短短的电邮,著名发信时间,询问是否能告知最新处理进度。
Our account was suspended 7/29/16. We sent in our appeal letter on 8/4/16. We have not received a response from seller performance team. Can you please give us a update of our appeal?
Thank you for your time.
于是卖家又在发了一次和一开始完全一样的申诉电邮,另外附上前一天审核通过的电邮内容(附在最下方的 Additional information 区块里)。
亚马逊的处理效率就不多说了,竟然品质如此低落。同一封申诉电邮不同人审核,竟然有完全相反的结果,没有个标准在。已经审核过的 Case 也没有关掉,竟然还浪费人力处理同一件事。
这篇实战经验分享给小伙伴,如果有同样困扰的朋友可以参考申诉套路。再次提醒,千万不要完全的照抄内容,一定要针对自己的商品或是店铺状况填写,用词也可以自行修改。 查看全部
电邮的后半段,亚马逊表示如果卖家可以提出完善解决抱怨原因的办法,就有可能恢复卖家的销售权。限时 17 天内要提解决办法,如果没有提交亚马逊将移除店铺 Listing 并且持续冻结账户资金。最后告知几个你可能违反的亚马逊条款,针对这些条款提出解决办法。
Appeal Letter to Amazon Seller Performance Team
Dear Amazon.com Seller Performance Team,
We recognize and understand the mistakes we made to bring us to this point.
These are our mistakes
1. Listing products that do not match the detail page 100%.
2. Failure to include appropriate quantities for product we listed against, as described on the detail page.
3. Failure fulfill products that match the detail page’s specification including but not limited to height, length, width, weight, color, material, brand, unique product identifier, functionality and authenticity of the product.
4. Improperly identify products we created listings for. Example: We didn’t provide full explanation that our products are the material we actually stated them; sometimes lacking any claim to material integrity at all.
5. Failure to comply with Amazon.com image and description compliance. Example: Our main images do not have white backgrounds with only the product in the image. Our descriptions were not full enough to provide the customer with full information to make a confident purchase on Amazon.com. This results in unsatisfied customer upon receipt of the item.
Steps we have taken and will continue to take:
1. We have removed all listings that are not within Amazon.com policy. We will not relist until a full analysis of all ASINs. Only when the product matches the ASIN 100% will we then list the product for sale. There will be a two person review of appropriate item being packaged for delivery in an Excel type checklists that the fulfillment team can log, record, and track. If the product does not match the product detail page 100% we will delete product from our account.
2. We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness. This has ensured all products are ‘new’ as described on the detail page.
3. We have re-written the description and bullet points to improve accuracy of the item’s presentation to Amazon.com standards.
4. We have re-written all weights, dimensions and quantity per order.
5. We have re-photographed all items that are not displaying the product accurate enough.
Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
电邮发出后,很快就收到就收到亚马逊自动回复的电邮,表示将在 24 小时内联系卖家。
While we waited for a reply we started doing exactly what we stated in our appeal.
1. We removed inventory from listings we received prior performance notifications over to check the quality and ensure it matched what was described on the listing.
2. We started changing out main pictures that did not have a pure white background.
3. We updated and changed product information and went into as much detail as possible about the product.
4. We contacted customers who left negative feedback and attempted to improve the feedback submitted by those customers.
虽然自动回复的信件表示 24 小时内会联系卖家,但这位卖家迟迟没有收到回信,等了十天之后决定发第二封短短的电邮,著名发信时间,询问是否能告知最新处理进度。
Our account was suspended 7/29/16. We sent in our appeal letter on 8/4/16. We have not received a response from seller performance team. Can you please give us a update of our appeal?
Thank you for your time.
于是卖家又在发了一次和一开始完全一样的申诉电邮,另外附上前一天审核通过的电邮内容(附在最下方的 Additional information 区块里)。
亚马逊的处理效率就不多说了,竟然品质如此低落。同一封申诉电邮不同人审核,竟然有完全相反的结果,没有个标准在。已经审核过的 Case 也没有关掉,竟然还浪费人力处理同一件事。
wish • 天空之城 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 19032 次浏览 • 2017-07-04 10:52
7.可以强调你们公司是垂直店及海外仓商户。(尽量写你是公司运营垂直类并打算用Wish Express)
TO: wish
We admit what you mentioned were ourmistakes. We had checked each problem order very carefully, and we found that ###### due to distribution limitation of logistics company, whose delivery speedis a great problem. As you can see attached pictures 1-3, we packed items veryfast and carefully,send the items to freight forwarding company in time. As for### ###because our customers may not notice “styles randomly sent”, due to the shoesstyle one and two are from the same factory, so that we had do the listing inone. Our customers may not attention to the description notes, and make anrefund reason is “not as described” or “send the wrong goods”. Anyhow, wehave't done good enough.
For those problems, our companyattached great importances, and held a meeting to discuss the customer refundand the necessity and timeliness of logistics information management and takecorresponding measures to do better.
1, we had increased two logisticscompanies to delivery our goods,###. and Shenzhen###. Which improve timelinessby 5%.
2, we will join in WISH EXPRESS todelivery our goods, which can improve the delivery aging by 20%.
3, we will try to find the nearestfactories/manufacturers to cooperate, so that we can advancing stock and get fulltime for goods preparation, and send the goods to our freight forwarding within48 hours.
4. Add a shipping delivery warehouse,shipment 12 hours in advance.
5. We will modify the master drawingto avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings, or one product create one listing,instead of two products in the same listing.
We really want to do moreprofessional, we’ll be greatly appreciate it if you can give us one more chance, since wehad made a great progress in Wish before, hope we can make mutual improvementin the future, thanks in advance! 查看全部
7.可以强调你们公司是垂直店及海外仓商户。(尽量写你是公司运营垂直类并打算用Wish Express)
TO: wish
We admit what you mentioned were ourmistakes. We had checked each problem order very carefully, and we found that ###### due to distribution limitation of logistics company, whose delivery speedis a great problem. As you can see attached pictures 1-3, we packed items veryfast and carefully,send the items to freight forwarding company in time. As for### ###because our customers may not notice “styles randomly sent”, due to the shoesstyle one and two are from the same factory, so that we had do the listing inone. Our customers may not attention to the description notes, and make anrefund reason is “not as described” or “send the wrong goods”. Anyhow, wehave't done good enough.
For those problems, our companyattached great importances, and held a meeting to discuss the customer refundand the necessity and timeliness of logistics information management and takecorresponding measures to do better.
1, we had increased two logisticscompanies to delivery our goods,###. and Shenzhen###. Which improve timelinessby 5%.
2, we will join in WISH EXPRESS todelivery our goods, which can improve the delivery aging by 20%.
3, we will try to find the nearestfactories/manufacturers to cooperate, so that we can advancing stock and get fulltime for goods preparation, and send the goods to our freight forwarding within48 hours.
4. Add a shipping delivery warehouse,shipment 12 hours in advance.
5. We will modify the master drawingto avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings, or one product create one listing,instead of two products in the same listing.
We really want to do moreprofessional, we’ll be greatly appreciate it if you can give us one more chance, since wehad made a great progress in Wish before, hope we can make mutual improvementin the future, thanks in advance!
亚马逊 • 葡萄咖啡 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 23097 次浏览 • 2017-06-15 11:11
1.混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1.为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
...... 查看全部
1.混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1.为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
亚马逊 • 我要养条大狗 发表了文章 • 4 个评论 • 77748 次浏览 • 2017-04-26 14:18
3.违反了亚马逊有关受限商品的规定, 一些限制类的产品很多中国卖家是没有销售权限的, 如果违反相关规定也会被移除销售权。
第一步 明确你的销售权限被移除的原因。
详细的分析具体导致你的销售权限被移除的原因, 是因为:
1 绩效较差or2.因为违反了亚马逊的销售政策和协议而被取消,例如: ODR超标、有效跟踪单率过低、销售假冒伪劣产品等 。
1 如果是0DR超标, 那都是由什么原因造成的, 有多少个差评,多少个A-Z,多少个拒付,造成差评、 A-Z、拒付的原因是什么?
2.如果是有效跟踪单率过低,为什么有效跟踪单率那么低?是物流公司问题还是自己的发货问题?如果是及时回复率过低,为什么不能及时回复信息? 将自己可能导致销售权限被移除的原因做一个彻底的分析 。
第二步 评估自己的销售流程
账户被封, 一定要分析自己的销售过程是否有问题一一产品质量把关、物流服务、售后服务等是否有需要完善的地方。出现问题,都采取了哪些行动,以及对自己的这些行动进行分析和评价。同时还要确定你的库存中是否存在违反亚亚马逊政策和协议的商品。
申诉信都应包含一份行动计划, 改计划表明已经找到自己的销售和库存管理实践中存在的问题。计划如何改变自己的销售策略以解决问題。所有的申诉信和计划书都秉持一个思路:找到问题,解决问题,末来怎么做。亚马逊想看到的就是切实有效的行动计划。我们下面说说几个计策。
做亚马逊, 做到被亚马逊封店铺了, 说明很多指标可能部出现了问题,那么就要从根本上去解决这些问题,然后重新启航。
行动计划包涵内容:首先,确定哪些指标(负面反馈/亚马逊商城交易保障索赔/信用卡拒付)来达到马逊的绩效指标评估时,需要阅读买家留下的所有反馈评论。如果评论反映不能及时回复买家邮件, 你可以在行动计划中说明安排每日回复所有买家信函的时间; 如果是产品质量破损或者产品与描述不符, 则要在行动计划中加入产品质量把控、 物流服务优化等举措; 如果是因为未收到产品, 则要在行动计划中加入更换物流合作商以及发FBA的事宜。
行动计划包函内容: 去后台查一下设定的配送交货周期是否太短,货代方面是否有问题,你可以往行动计划中加入修改交货周期,与物流能力更稳定的货代合作、或者跟亚马逊承诺发FBA这种解决间題的方案 。
因配送前取消率较高而被移除,,行动计划包涵内容: 检查是否由于上架的商品长期缺货所致,你可以在行动计划中列出每日监控库存, 以确保自己绝对不会上架无法立即配送的商品,
1.发错货( 库存发错/物流发错/贴错运单等,我遇到过的千奇百怪)
Dear Amazon seller performance team
Thank you for your patience.
I have checked and looked up to the Amazon policy on line and leart more about selling behavior and FBA policy.
1. We have checked our distribution chain carefully, and we find some questions now.
Our parcel shipped by merchant before we use FBA shipping service. Now we have choose FBA service and our products packaging and shipping directly by the supplier, during the suddenly orders in large quantities and Chinese New Year Holiday may make a slip, the supplier shipping about 数量 empty packages to amazon.
2. Those steps will help us to prevent similar issue:
(1). We have deleted this listing to prevent our customer purchase this item but we cannot shipping it, We will not sell it until the factory shipping new items to Amazon again. Only when we can make sure it will not cause any other problems.
(2). We will carefully check the order to make sure everything was in good condition and right item before shipping it out. But we have realized there is a wrong way that we trust this matter to our supplier, we should remind the shipping process and we have appointed staffers to handle related matters.
(3). Some people were scheduled for check parcels, all our goods pass through our rigid quality control before shipment.
(4). We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness.
(5). We offered an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and new replacement as required on every damage and bad quality purchase to serve our clients best interests. Every email will be answered within 24 hours and try best to solve all of questions from customer feedback.
We hope Amazon can give us the opportunity; we will be dedicated to the Amazon platform users to provide a better and more perfect shopping experience. If you need any other information, please send us an email.
I am so sorry to bother you so many times, and take all your advice respectfully.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
店铺名 service
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanksfor your patience.
Weare Amazon seller 店铺名 and our sales permission suspended due to order defect rate ishigher than the goal of less than 1%.My sales plan is as follows:
1. Based on the circumstances, these 5 ordersplaced at this same time and day. That means we suspect and have good reason tosuspect that these negative feedbacks have intention to pursue unhealthycompetition with our peers. So please kindly check these orders, and you mayalso have such feeling. Following are 5 orders ID(出问题的订单号)
2.For new account we cannot use FBA service before 时间. Now we havesent a huge swath of goods to FBA stock, a tracking number is unavailable forthese item:(fba物流单号) and we will change the way oflogistics for more than 80% listing to FBA. Use FBA service can help us toproviding better products and excellent service for our customers.
3.We regret for this but we guarantee there is nothing wrong with our products.There is no bad review or feedback before these 5 disputes orders. Since I didcarefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in goodcondition before shipping it out, Please check our sales records.
4.We always stay in touch with our factory ensure quality of products produced tomeet customer demand. We request for all the sale invoices from our suppliereach time, we have made all the preparations to ensuring product quality andsafety dispute solved satisfactorily.
Pleasecheck our plan and we value our sales opportunities.
Weare anticipating your early reply.
店铺名 service
注:好文忍不住从SurTime卖家生态系统转载,不服发出你的解决方法,另外感觉姿势姐,感觉她是版主有版权问题找她!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 查看全部
3.违反了亚马逊有关受限商品的规定, 一些限制类的产品很多中国卖家是没有销售权限的, 如果违反相关规定也会被移除销售权。
第一步 明确你的销售权限被移除的原因。
详细的分析具体导致你的销售权限被移除的原因, 是因为:
1 绩效较差or2.因为违反了亚马逊的销售政策和协议而被取消,例如: ODR超标、有效跟踪单率过低、销售假冒伪劣产品等 。
1 如果是0DR超标, 那都是由什么原因造成的, 有多少个差评,多少个A-Z,多少个拒付,造成差评、 A-Z、拒付的原因是什么?
2.如果是有效跟踪单率过低,为什么有效跟踪单率那么低?是物流公司问题还是自己的发货问题?如果是及时回复率过低,为什么不能及时回复信息? 将自己可能导致销售权限被移除的原因做一个彻底的分析 。
第二步 评估自己的销售流程
账户被封, 一定要分析自己的销售过程是否有问题一一产品质量把关、物流服务、售后服务等是否有需要完善的地方。出现问题,都采取了哪些行动,以及对自己的这些行动进行分析和评价。同时还要确定你的库存中是否存在违反亚亚马逊政策和协议的商品。
申诉信都应包含一份行动计划, 改计划表明已经找到自己的销售和库存管理实践中存在的问题。计划如何改变自己的销售策略以解决问題。所有的申诉信和计划书都秉持一个思路:找到问题,解决问题,末来怎么做。亚马逊想看到的就是切实有效的行动计划。我们下面说说几个计策。
做亚马逊, 做到被亚马逊封店铺了, 说明很多指标可能部出现了问题,那么就要从根本上去解决这些问题,然后重新启航。
行动计划包涵内容:首先,确定哪些指标(负面反馈/亚马逊商城交易保障索赔/信用卡拒付)来达到马逊的绩效指标评估时,需要阅读买家留下的所有反馈评论。如果评论反映不能及时回复买家邮件, 你可以在行动计划中说明安排每日回复所有买家信函的时间; 如果是产品质量破损或者产品与描述不符, 则要在行动计划中加入产品质量把控、 物流服务优化等举措; 如果是因为未收到产品, 则要在行动计划中加入更换物流合作商以及发FBA的事宜。
行动计划包函内容: 去后台查一下设定的配送交货周期是否太短,货代方面是否有问题,你可以往行动计划中加入修改交货周期,与物流能力更稳定的货代合作、或者跟亚马逊承诺发FBA这种解决间題的方案 。
因配送前取消率较高而被移除,,行动计划包涵内容: 检查是否由于上架的商品长期缺货所致,你可以在行动计划中列出每日监控库存, 以确保自己绝对不会上架无法立即配送的商品,
1.发错货( 库存发错/物流发错/贴错运单等,我遇到过的千奇百怪)
Dear Amazon seller performance team
Thank you for your patience.
I have checked and looked up to the Amazon policy on line and leart more about selling behavior and FBA policy.
1. We have checked our distribution chain carefully, and we find some questions now.
Our parcel shipped by merchant before we use FBA shipping service. Now we have choose FBA service and our products packaging and shipping directly by the supplier, during the suddenly orders in large quantities and Chinese New Year Holiday may make a slip, the supplier shipping about 数量 empty packages to amazon.
2. Those steps will help us to prevent similar issue:
(1). We have deleted this listing to prevent our customer purchase this item but we cannot shipping it, We will not sell it until the factory shipping new items to Amazon again. Only when we can make sure it will not cause any other problems.
(2). We will carefully check the order to make sure everything was in good condition and right item before shipping it out. But we have realized there is a wrong way that we trust this matter to our supplier, we should remind the shipping process and we have appointed staffers to handle related matters.
(3). Some people were scheduled for check parcels, all our goods pass through our rigid quality control before shipment.
(4). We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness.
(5). We offered an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and new replacement as required on every damage and bad quality purchase to serve our clients best interests. Every email will be answered within 24 hours and try best to solve all of questions from customer feedback.
We hope Amazon can give us the opportunity; we will be dedicated to the Amazon platform users to provide a better and more perfect shopping experience. If you need any other information, please send us an email.
I am so sorry to bother you so many times, and take all your advice respectfully.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
店铺名 service
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanksfor your patience.
Weare Amazon seller 店铺名 and our sales permission suspended due to order defect rate ishigher than the goal of less than 1%.My sales plan is as follows:
1. Based on the circumstances, these 5 ordersplaced at this same time and day. That means we suspect and have good reason tosuspect that these negative feedbacks have intention to pursue unhealthycompetition with our peers. So please kindly check these orders, and you mayalso have such feeling. Following are 5 orders ID(出问题的订单号)
2.For new account we cannot use FBA service before 时间. Now we havesent a huge swath of goods to FBA stock, a tracking number is unavailable forthese item:(fba物流单号) and we will change the way oflogistics for more than 80% listing to FBA. Use FBA service can help us toproviding better products and excellent service for our customers.
3.We regret for this but we guarantee there is nothing wrong with our products.There is no bad review or feedback before these 5 disputes orders. Since I didcarefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in goodcondition before shipping it out, Please check our sales records.
4.We always stay in touch with our factory ensure quality of products produced tomeet customer demand. We request for all the sale invoices from our suppliereach time, we have made all the preparations to ensuring product quality andsafety dispute solved satisfactorily.
Pleasecheck our plan and we value our sales opportunities.
Weare anticipating your early reply.
店铺名 service
亚马逊 • 你是我的右眼 回复了问题 • 6 人关注 • 3 个回复 • 19360 次浏览 • 2017-03-23 10:59
ebay • 绿耳 回复了问题 • 4 人关注 • 2 个回复 • 8129 次浏览 • 2017-03-21 11:20
亚马逊 • 投翔不投降 回复了问题 • 5 人关注 • 3 个回复 • 7668 次浏览 • 2017-03-20 13:46
亚马逊 • WIseman 回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 4 个回复 • 28629 次浏览 • 2017-03-20 11:50
wish • 蒙蒙茶馆 回复了问题 • 3 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 3401 次浏览 • 2017-03-20 11:07
wish • 新晨费事 回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 3 个回复 • 15640 次浏览 • 2017-03-24 15:26
亚马逊 • Emotiona 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 12806 次浏览 • 2017-01-22 11:21
1、混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1、为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
Example 2
To whom it may concern,
We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%.
We have reviewed our fulfillment procedures and have determined the two areas that need to be addressed:Shipment Creation and Inventory Availability.
We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping, we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.
To address inventory availability issues we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location to speed shipment creation. Having all Amazon inventory at one location will eliminate delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.
Thank you for considering this appeal.
Example 3
I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe there are two main reasons this has happened:
Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and, even worse, unavailable items.
When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has been too slow and communication with customers has not been adequate.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen an increase in customer A-z guarantee claims which has resulted in our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Plan of Action:
We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.
Most importantly, we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims.
In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventory upload file.
Our Plan of Action:
Our inventory file has been reviewed. All misclassified condition items have been re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines. Entire inventory has been deleted from Marketplace to reflect all changes.
All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Example 4
Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your concern of our account. Before receiving the performance review notification, we were exactly working with the customers to resolve their problem.
We firmly believe that we're not only providing the product but also the customer service.
Firstly, we're very sorry about our negligence of packaging, and the incaution of carrying and transporting by logistics company which result in defective working condition of one item, we had to ship the replacement but had the customer waiting more time for delivery, they are kind but we are sorry. (讲清楚没包装运输过程中导致产品损坏,退换货时间长让顾客等很久,自己很抱歉)
Secondly, the incaution of testing and checking up by the tester in factory result in missing indicator light covers of one item, which in normal working condition but give customer defective impression of the product, we had contact with the customer and shipped the missing element, and sorry to bring him inconvenience. (发货前的出厂检查不够细致收到的产品缺零部件)
These are our faults due to lack of strict management of the product and service providers.
Thirdly, we're new to Amazon selling and lack of familiarity with the rules and message system using, which result in missing timely response to 4 messages from the buyers on our months ago arranged long holiday, it was supposed the messages would notice timely on mobile phone email system to us but it didn't work, we promise this would never ever happen again to the customers.(没有及时回复顾客信息)
We would like to earnestly beg your consideration about the feedback of other items received by other buyers, some of them had left positive feedbacks and reviews to the product and admired our customer service. We promise to provide customers both good products and good customer service.
If we have the chance to continue selling on Amazon, we will do as follows:
1. We will ask the factory to execute stricter checking up and testing process for our products, and request every confirmation and signature of testing result for every product from the tester in factory. We self will execute sampling check for different production batch and regular visit to production line of the factory every week. Make sure we ship out every item in integral and good working condition.
2. We will ask the factory to package with stronger crash proof and shockproof measure, like filling in the blanks with proof foam and wrapping up with hard carton. Change the logistics service provider with better transporting service.
3. We will keep login in the Amazon seller center on PC and check out buyer message at least three times a day, to ensure promptly response to the customer with 12 hours. And passionately handle any queries or complaints or product issues from every customer, will keep notice customer forwardly for the tracking information of the transporting package. To improve the customer experience by pre-sale, in-sale, after-sale process.
We write this sincerely and will try our best to provide good products and customer service on Amazon. Meanwhile, we sincerely hope Amazon team will give serious consideration and give us a new chance. This is not only chance but also hope to us, we eagerly hope we can further develop our undertaking here. Look forward to hearing from your reply. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Example 5
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.
2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours
3. In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service. 查看全部
Example 1
1、混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1、为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
Example 2
To whom it may concern,
We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%.
We have reviewed our fulfillment procedures and have determined the two areas that need to be addressed:Shipment Creation and Inventory Availability.
We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping, we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.
To address inventory availability issues we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location to speed shipment creation. Having all Amazon inventory at one location will eliminate delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.
Thank you for considering this appeal.
Example 3
I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe there are two main reasons this has happened:
Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and, even worse, unavailable items.
When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has been too slow and communication with customers has not been adequate.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen an increase in customer A-z guarantee claims which has resulted in our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Plan of Action:
We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.
Most importantly, we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims.
In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventory upload file.
Our Plan of Action:
Our inventory file has been reviewed. All misclassified condition items have been re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines. Entire inventory has been deleted from Marketplace to reflect all changes.
All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Example 4
Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your concern of our account. Before receiving the performance review notification, we were exactly working with the customers to resolve their problem.
We firmly believe that we're not only providing the product but also the customer service.
Firstly, we're very sorry about our negligence of packaging, and the incaution of carrying and transporting by logistics company which result in defective working condition of one item, we had to ship the replacement but had the customer waiting more time for delivery, they are kind but we are sorry. (讲清楚没包装运输过程中导致产品损坏,退换货时间长让顾客等很久,自己很抱歉)
Secondly, the incaution of testing and checking up by the tester in factory result in missing indicator light covers of one item, which in normal working condition but give customer defective impression of the product, we had contact with the customer and shipped the missing element, and sorry to bring him inconvenience. (发货前的出厂检查不够细致收到的产品缺零部件)
These are our faults due to lack of strict management of the product and service providers.
Thirdly, we're new to Amazon selling and lack of familiarity with the rules and message system using, which result in missing timely response to 4 messages from the buyers on our months ago arranged long holiday, it was supposed the messages would notice timely on mobile phone email system to us but it didn't work, we promise this would never ever happen again to the customers.(没有及时回复顾客信息)
We would like to earnestly beg your consideration about the feedback of other items received by other buyers, some of them had left positive feedbacks and reviews to the product and admired our customer service. We promise to provide customers both good products and good customer service.
If we have the chance to continue selling on Amazon, we will do as follows:
1. We will ask the factory to execute stricter checking up and testing process for our products, and request every confirmation and signature of testing result for every product from the tester in factory. We self will execute sampling check for different production batch and regular visit to production line of the factory every week. Make sure we ship out every item in integral and good working condition.
2. We will ask the factory to package with stronger crash proof and shockproof measure, like filling in the blanks with proof foam and wrapping up with hard carton. Change the logistics service provider with better transporting service.
3. We will keep login in the Amazon seller center on PC and check out buyer message at least three times a day, to ensure promptly response to the customer with 12 hours. And passionately handle any queries or complaints or product issues from every customer, will keep notice customer forwardly for the tracking information of the transporting package. To improve the customer experience by pre-sale, in-sale, after-sale process.
We write this sincerely and will try our best to provide good products and customer service on Amazon. Meanwhile, we sincerely hope Amazon team will give serious consideration and give us a new chance. This is not only chance but also hope to us, we eagerly hope we can further develop our undertaking here. Look forward to hearing from your reply. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Example 5
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.
2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours
3. In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
亚马逊 • Emotiona 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 11606 次浏览 • 2017-01-22 11:18
新店上LISTING时因图片侵权被禁售Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your notification on the policy violation on the......, we would like to sincerely apologize for the terrible mistake we made.
We are a small company in China focusing on foreign trade and selling on Amazon US has been one of our ultimate dreams.
We did a lot of preparation in order to launch our store in Amazon and worked with the Amazon sales manager Mr. .... on a lot of details including the can do's and can'ts. He informed us beforehand that image and character violation is a very serious issue in Amazon and we have taken that very very seriously.
However, one of our sales staff ,who is new to the company, accidentally put this product onto the list because we would like to start our sales with 50 skus ( We had 49 skus ready at that time.) He uploaded the product without everyone's else's knowledge and I would in person would like to apologize again for my carelessness in staff management.
Here are the things our company has done to prevent such issue from happening again.
1. We just organized a training again on the can's and can't the sales manager Henry sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including image violation of products and wording violation on product and checked all the product that we have already listed.
2. We deleted all the products that we think that could potentially violate the policies.
3. We have setup rules in the company that all of our inventory must be carefully reviewed and would not violate any Amazon policies before adding to our inventory and listing on Amazon.
I would like to apologize for a third time for my carelessness in management ,and please do let us know what else can we do to reinstate our account and we will do everything we can to meet the target.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
your name
Example 2
Dear Amazon Team,
We received a policy warning stated that Amazon has removed some images form our site because of a rights owner complaint about image(s) that infringe its intellectual property rights.
Complaint ID:
The picture that Amazon has removed:
We always work hard to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service, it is hard for us to believe that our images infringe others' intellectual property rights. All the photos of this item (ASIN: B01DKFMSEW) was taken and designed by our designer.
Firstly, we contact the rights owner directly to resolve this dispute. We asked the right owner review the pictures,finally, he found that the picture is from us, below is the screenshoot of our e-mail.(Have attached)
Email 1: 邮件链接
Email 2: 邮件链接
Secondly, We have advised the rights owner to contact Amazon at notice@amazon.co.uk to withdraw the complaint.(I have mentioned it in e-mail)
Thirdly, we can provide all the photo and source file as an evidence.(Please see the attachment)
1. Photo
Taken From:
Shooting Time:
Shooting Location:
2. Source File: You can see how we processing the picutre in Photoshop.
Please review this case, and we are looing for a fair and just reply.If you need additional details, please kindly contact us, we will reply you in the first time.
Best Regards
Lucy 查看全部
新店上LISTING时因图片侵权被禁售Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your notification on the policy violation on the......, we would like to sincerely apologize for the terrible mistake we made.
We are a small company in China focusing on foreign trade and selling on Amazon US has been one of our ultimate dreams.
We did a lot of preparation in order to launch our store in Amazon and worked with the Amazon sales manager Mr. .... on a lot of details including the can do's and can'ts. He informed us beforehand that image and character violation is a very serious issue in Amazon and we have taken that very very seriously.
However, one of our sales staff ,who is new to the company, accidentally put this product onto the list because we would like to start our sales with 50 skus ( We had 49 skus ready at that time.) He uploaded the product without everyone's else's knowledge and I would in person would like to apologize again for my carelessness in staff management.
Here are the things our company has done to prevent such issue from happening again.
1. We just organized a training again on the can's and can't the sales manager Henry sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including image violation of products and wording violation on product and checked all the product that we have already listed.
2. We deleted all the products that we think that could potentially violate the policies.
3. We have setup rules in the company that all of our inventory must be carefully reviewed and would not violate any Amazon policies before adding to our inventory and listing on Amazon.
I would like to apologize for a third time for my carelessness in management ,and please do let us know what else can we do to reinstate our account and we will do everything we can to meet the target.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
your name
Example 2
Dear Amazon Team,
We received a policy warning stated that Amazon has removed some images form our site because of a rights owner complaint about image(s) that infringe its intellectual property rights.
Complaint ID:
The picture that Amazon has removed:
We always work hard to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service, it is hard for us to believe that our images infringe others' intellectual property rights. All the photos of this item (ASIN: B01DKFMSEW) was taken and designed by our designer.
Firstly, we contact the rights owner directly to resolve this dispute. We asked the right owner review the pictures,finally, he found that the picture is from us, below is the screenshoot of our e-mail.(Have attached)
Email 1: 邮件链接
Email 2: 邮件链接
Secondly, We have advised the rights owner to contact Amazon at notice@amazon.co.uk to withdraw the complaint.(I have mentioned it in e-mail)
Thirdly, we can provide all the photo and source file as an evidence.(Please see the attachment)
1. Photo
Taken From:
Shooting Time:
Shooting Location:
2. Source File: You can see how we processing the picutre in Photoshop.
Please review this case, and we are looing for a fair and just reply.If you need additional details, please kindly contact us, we will reply you in the first time.
Best Regards
亚马逊 • Emotiona 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 19939 次浏览 • 2017-01-22 11:14
Example 2
Dear Amazon seller support,
Thank you for your concern of our account.
We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products.
We immediately check the listings.
Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.
Secondly, as the items of Amazon seller performance stated, we did not know this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is our fault.
We had removed the listings and promise we won't sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant.
Would you please consider the account seller rating and customers feedback to us? We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback.
Hope Amazon can look through to it.
If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:
1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.
3. We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.
4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
店铺名 查看全部
Example 2
Dear Amazon seller support,
Thank you for your concern of our account.
We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products.
We immediately check the listings.
Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.
Secondly, as the items of Amazon seller performance stated, we did not know this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is our fault.
We had removed the listings and promise we won't sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant.
Would you please consider the account seller rating and customers feedback to us? We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback.
Hope Amazon can look through to it.
If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:
1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.
3. We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.
4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
亚马逊 • 垭口的风 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 103865 次浏览 • 2016-12-26 14:06
the customer Order Date: November 28. the Estimated Delivery:
Dec 24, 2014 to Jan 13, 2015. Time hasn't arrived yet, the customer gave us a bad review.
Can you help us to cancel the bad review?thank you very much,best wishes for you!
Hi,dear. I am apologize for any inconvenience,On September 6, the customer bought products. Amazon rules specified date is Estimated Delivery: Oct 1, 2015 to Oct 20, 2015. Order ID: # 002-4854872-7971445. the item it is on the way now, we hope that will soon be reached, the items in the amazon transportation within the date specified, but the customer gave us a bad review, we have contacted the customer, explains with our customer, but customer didn't reply us, I really want to try to solve the problem for the customer, customer satisfaction, will further improve the way of shipping. Can you help me to delete the feedback, can you give me a chance,okay? thank you for your understanding, really need your help. pls give me a chance. best wishes for you. thank you very much.
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology.
We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you.
Service Team
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review about the Asin: B00WQI3LPU without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you. Service Team
Hi,dear friend,thanks for your kindness and understanding.We have refunded you full,pls check your amazon account.Please contact us if you have any concerns. maybe you can go to the page at the below to help us : http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/cu ... odeId=537774#remove Or Please as these step-by-step instructions help us remove your feedback: 1.Go to Amazon.com and click Your Account in the upper right hand corner. 2. Click Your Orders. 3. On the right, select a date range from the Date drop-down box. Click Go. A list of orders appears. 4. Locate your order and click View Order Details in the left-hand column, under the Order Placed date. 5. Scroll down to Your Seller Feedback and click Remove. The Remove Feedback page appears. 6. Select a reason for removing the feedback, and then click Remove Feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Best wishes for you ! Sincerely, Nikki What can I do about incorrect negative feedback?
(符合以下条件的差评, 可以向亚马逊申请移除)
As a general rule, Amazon does not remove buyer feedback even if it is unwarranted or the issue has been resolved. For more information about resolving and responding to buyer feedback, see Using the Feedback Manager. Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases: • The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane. • The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, full names, or telephone numbers. • The entire feedback comment is a product review. For example: The Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. However, if the feedback comment is only partly a product review but also contains feedback about the seller’s service, this feedback would not be removed: Seller’s shipping service was very slow, and the Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. • The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating with the following statement: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience. We strongly suggest that you work with buyers to resolve negative feedback. However, if you believe that the feedback you received meets any of these criteria, then contact us by clicking the "Contact Seller Support" link at the bottom of this page. Select "Orders" from the left-hand menu and then "Customer feedback problems." We will evaluate the feedback and make a decision whether to remove the feedback. ________________________________________
Dear Amazon, Please help to remove this 1-star feedback. It is a product review, not a feedback to store. As buyer said, actually our service is very prompt and courteous. Thank you. Best regards, Team
给客户退款以后,给亚马逊陈述: Hi, dear Amazon, we have already provided The Customer with a full refund, pls see emails to and from the customer for reference. Thanks BRS Team
给客户退全款,请客户撤销A-Z索赔: Hi, dear friend, We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. we will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that It will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. For our mistake, we have already given you a full refund. I know you are a good buyer, you will help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. looking for your reply. all my best wishes for you. WIKOOL
Dear Valued Customer,
We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenience caused by it , please accept our sincere apology. We have contacted you on April 9 April 10 and we want to refund to you, because we have no this product in our warehouse in that time. We have been waiting for your reply so far, want to regard to the remainder of the order or refund to you. Now we have this product, if you also want we reship to you, we will reship you immediately, is it okay for you? Or you want to get a full refund, we will give you full refund. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that it will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim, is it okey for you? All our best wishes for you. Waiting for your reply. Sincerely yours, Nikki
Dear Buyer,
Thank you for contacting us about the problem of your recent order. Hopefully we have fully resolved your issue. If you think the problem is now solved and would like to withdraw the A-to-z Claim, which you filed eariler on this order__________(订单ID), we would greatly appreciate it. Here are the steps to withdraw your A-to-z claim in the orders section of Your Account. To withdraw a claim for purchases made on Amazon.com Go to Your Orders Locate your order in the list and click Order Details. If the order has already shipped, click Withdraw claim under Problem with this order? on the order summary page. Follow the prompts to explain the withdrawal and click Withdraw claim to complete the request. We hope you have a pleasant day, thank you for shopping at __________(这放店铺名). Yours sincerely, _______(店铺名) Customer Service Team 查看全部
the customer Order Date: November 28. the Estimated Delivery:
Dec 24, 2014 to Jan 13, 2015. Time hasn't arrived yet, the customer gave us a bad review.
Can you help us to cancel the bad review?thank you very much,best wishes for you!
Hi,dear. I am apologize for any inconvenience,On September 6, the customer bought products. Amazon rules specified date is Estimated Delivery: Oct 1, 2015 to Oct 20, 2015. Order ID: # 002-4854872-7971445. the item it is on the way now, we hope that will soon be reached, the items in the amazon transportation within the date specified, but the customer gave us a bad review, we have contacted the customer, explains with our customer, but customer didn't reply us, I really want to try to solve the problem for the customer, customer satisfaction, will further improve the way of shipping. Can you help me to delete the feedback, can you give me a chance,okay? thank you for your understanding, really need your help. pls give me a chance. best wishes for you. thank you very much.
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology.
We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you.
Service Team
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review about the Asin: B00WQI3LPU without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you. Service Team
Hi,dear friend,thanks for your kindness and understanding.We have refunded you full,pls check your amazon account.Please contact us if you have any concerns. maybe you can go to the page at the below to help us : http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/cu ... odeId=537774#remove Or Please as these step-by-step instructions help us remove your feedback: 1.Go to Amazon.com and click Your Account in the upper right hand corner. 2. Click Your Orders. 3. On the right, select a date range from the Date drop-down box. Click Go. A list of orders appears. 4. Locate your order and click View Order Details in the left-hand column, under the Order Placed date. 5. Scroll down to Your Seller Feedback and click Remove. The Remove Feedback page appears. 6. Select a reason for removing the feedback, and then click Remove Feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Best wishes for you ! Sincerely, Nikki What can I do about incorrect negative feedback?
(符合以下条件的差评, 可以向亚马逊申请移除)
As a general rule, Amazon does not remove buyer feedback even if it is unwarranted or the issue has been resolved. For more information about resolving and responding to buyer feedback, see Using the Feedback Manager. Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases: • The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane. • The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, full names, or telephone numbers. • The entire feedback comment is a product review. For example: The Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. However, if the feedback comment is only partly a product review but also contains feedback about the seller’s service, this feedback would not be removed: Seller’s shipping service was very slow, and the Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. • The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating with the following statement: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience. We strongly suggest that you work with buyers to resolve negative feedback. However, if you believe that the feedback you received meets any of these criteria, then contact us by clicking the "Contact Seller Support" link at the bottom of this page. Select "Orders" from the left-hand menu and then "Customer feedback problems." We will evaluate the feedback and make a decision whether to remove the feedback. ________________________________________
Dear Amazon, Please help to remove this 1-star feedback. It is a product review, not a feedback to store. As buyer said, actually our service is very prompt and courteous. Thank you. Best regards, Team
给客户退款以后,给亚马逊陈述: Hi, dear Amazon, we have already provided The Customer with a full refund, pls see emails to and from the customer for reference. Thanks BRS Team
给客户退全款,请客户撤销A-Z索赔: Hi, dear friend, We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. we will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that It will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. For our mistake, we have already given you a full refund. I know you are a good buyer, you will help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. looking for your reply. all my best wishes for you. WIKOOL
Dear Valued Customer,
We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenience caused by it , please accept our sincere apology. We have contacted you on April 9 April 10 and we want to refund to you, because we have no this product in our warehouse in that time. We have been waiting for your reply so far, want to regard to the remainder of the order or refund to you. Now we have this product, if you also want we reship to you, we will reship you immediately, is it okay for you? Or you want to get a full refund, we will give you full refund. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that it will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim, is it okey for you? All our best wishes for you. Waiting for your reply. Sincerely yours, Nikki
Dear Buyer,
Thank you for contacting us about the problem of your recent order. Hopefully we have fully resolved your issue. If you think the problem is now solved and would like to withdraw the A-to-z Claim, which you filed eariler on this order__________(订单ID), we would greatly appreciate it. Here are the steps to withdraw your A-to-z claim in the orders section of Your Account. To withdraw a claim for purchases made on Amazon.com Go to Your Orders Locate your order in the list and click Order Details. If the order has already shipped, click Withdraw claim under Problem with this order? on the order summary page. Follow the prompts to explain the withdrawal and click Withdraw claim to complete the request. We hope you have a pleasant day, thank you for shopping at __________(这放店铺名). Yours sincerely, _______(店铺名) Customer Service Team
申诉 • 小刀 发表了文章 • 1 个评论 • 12669 次浏览 • 2016-12-22 17:20
What can I do to keep selling on Amazon?
If your selling privileges have been removed, they may be eligible for reinstatement. Here's how to appeal:
Step 1: Determine why your selling privileges were removed
Read the notice you received from Amazon to determine whether your account was suspended/blocked for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies and Agreements.
Step 2: Evaluate your selling practices
Review your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction, and your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies and Agreements.
Step 3: Create a Plan of Action
Create a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2. Providing a precise Plan of Action that can effectively address the problems improves the chance that your selling privileges may be reinstated.
Step 4: Send your appeal to Amazon
Once you have created your Plan of Action, send it to Seller Performance with your request for reinstatement.
In your selling account, on the Performance tab, click Performance Notifications.
Find the notice you received about the removal of your selling privileges and click the "Appeal" button, and then the "Appeal decision" button.
Enter your Plan of Action details in the form provided. Also be sure to include a telephone number where we can contact you if necessary.
Click "Submit appeal" to send your completed appeal to Seller Performance.
Step 5: Watch your e-mail for a decision from Amazon
After receiving your Plan of Action, we'll notify you of our decision by e-mail, usually within 48 hours. We review all appeals carefully; however, submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your selling privileges.
How do I create a Plan of Action?
Your appeal should always include a Plan of Action that shows you have identified the problems in your selling and/or inventory management practices and addresses how you will change your practices to resolve them. Below are a few examples to illustrate this.
Performance Issues
Example 1: The notice from Seller Performance indicates your selling privileges were removed due to a high order defect rate.Action: Check your customer metrics page to determine which metric (negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and/or credit card chargebacks) does not meet our performance targets. You may find, for instance, that your percentage of negative feedback does not meet the target. As you evaluate your account, you may want to read all of the feedback comments left for you by buyers. If comments reflect a lack of response from you to buyer e-mails, your Plan of Action may include scheduling time every day to respond to all buyer correspondence.
Example 2: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high late shipment rate and your customer metrics show that the late shipment rate does not meet our performance target. Action: After you’ve shipped your orders and confirmed 100% of the shipments, you could review your feedback and order fulfillment practices. You may find that you have not shipped orders within two days of the order date because your order volume has increased. Your Plan of Action may include adjusting your processes to manage a larger volume of orders.
Example 3: The notice received from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high pre-fulfillment order cancel rate and your customer metrics show that your cancel rate does not meet our performance target. Action: You could review your inventory management and/or inventory control processes. You may find that your high cancel rate is due to being chronically out of stock of listed items. Your Plan of Action may include monitoring your inventory daily to make sure you never list items you cannot ship immediately.
When evaluating your selling practices, here are some areas you may want to review:
Shipment of orders – are you shipping your items within 2 days of the order date?
Communication with buyers – are you effectively responding to buyer questions and doing so promptly and politely?
Stocking inventory – are you consistently running out of inventory and cancelling orders?
Listings – are you describing your items accurately in your listing comments?
Policy Violations
If your selling privileges were removed for violations of our policies, review your inventory to determine whether it includes Restricted Products, and compare your selling practices with our Selling Policies.
Example: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed for selling promotional versions of media (prohibited on Amazon.com). Action: You could review your inventory and your inventory intake process. You may find that your supplier includes promo CDs in their shipments. Your Plan of Action might include immediately removing those items from your inventory, and then making changes to ensure you review your inventory regularly to remove promotional media.
What can I do to keep selling on Amazon?
If your selling privileges have been removed, they may be eligible for reinstatement. Here's how to appeal:
Step 1: Determine why your selling privileges were removed
Read the notice you received from Amazon to determine whether your account was suspended/blocked for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies and Agreements.
Step 2: Evaluate your selling practices
Review your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction, and your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies and Agreements.
Step 3: Create a Plan of Action
Create a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2. Providing a precise Plan of Action that can effectively address the problems improves the chance that your selling privileges may be reinstated.
Step 4: Send your appeal to Amazon
Once you have created your Plan of Action, send it to Seller Performance with your request for reinstatement.
In your selling account, on the Performance tab, click Performance Notifications.
Find the notice you received about the removal of your selling privileges and click the "Appeal" button, and then the "Appeal decision" button.
Enter your Plan of Action details in the form provided. Also be sure to include a telephone number where we can contact you if necessary.
Click "Submit appeal" to send your completed appeal to Seller Performance.
Step 5: Watch your e-mail for a decision from Amazon
After receiving your Plan of Action, we'll notify you of our decision by e-mail, usually within 48 hours. We review all appeals carefully; however, submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your selling privileges.
How do I create a Plan of Action?
Your appeal should always include a Plan of Action that shows you have identified the problems in your selling and/or inventory management practices and addresses how you will change your practices to resolve them. Below are a few examples to illustrate this.
Performance Issues
Example 1: The notice from Seller Performance indicates your selling privileges were removed due to a high order defect rate.Action: Check your customer metrics page to determine which metric (negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and/or credit card chargebacks) does not meet our performance targets. You may find, for instance, that your percentage of negative feedback does not meet the target. As you evaluate your account, you may want to read all of the feedback comments left for you by buyers. If comments reflect a lack of response from you to buyer e-mails, your Plan of Action may include scheduling time every day to respond to all buyer correspondence.
Example 2: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high late shipment rate and your customer metrics show that the late shipment rate does not meet our performance target. Action: After you’ve shipped your orders and confirmed 100% of the shipments, you could review your feedback and order fulfillment practices. You may find that you have not shipped orders within two days of the order date because your order volume has increased. Your Plan of Action may include adjusting your processes to manage a larger volume of orders.
Example 3: The notice received from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high pre-fulfillment order cancel rate and your customer metrics show that your cancel rate does not meet our performance target. Action: You could review your inventory management and/or inventory control processes. You may find that your high cancel rate is due to being chronically out of stock of listed items. Your Plan of Action may include monitoring your inventory daily to make sure you never list items you cannot ship immediately.
When evaluating your selling practices, here are some areas you may want to review:
Shipment of orders – are you shipping your items within 2 days of the order date?
Communication with buyers – are you effectively responding to buyer questions and doing so promptly and politely?
Stocking inventory – are you consistently running out of inventory and cancelling orders?
Listings – are you describing your items accurately in your listing comments?
Policy Violations
If your selling privileges were removed for violations of our policies, review your inventory to determine whether it includes Restricted Products, and compare your selling practices with our Selling Policies.
Example: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed for selling promotional versions of media (prohibited on Amazon.com). Action: You could review your inventory and your inventory intake process. You may find that your supplier includes promo CDs in their shipments. Your Plan of Action might include immediately removing those items from your inventory, and then making changes to ensure you review your inventory regularly to remove promotional media.
申诉 • kylexiu 回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 4 个回复 • 19983 次浏览 • 2018-01-26 17:00
亚马逊 • 我要养条大狗 发表了文章 • 4 个评论 • 77748 次浏览 • 2017-04-26 14:18
3.违反了亚马逊有关受限商品的规定, 一些限制类的产品很多中国卖家是没有销售权限的, 如果违反相关规定也会被移除销售权。
第一步 明确你的销售权限被移除的原因。
详细的分析具体导致你的销售权限被移除的原因, 是因为:
1 绩效较差or2.因为违反了亚马逊的销售政策和协议而被取消,例如: ODR超标、有效跟踪单率过低、销售假冒伪劣产品等 。
1 如果是0DR超标, 那都是由什么原因造成的, 有多少个差评,多少个A-Z,多少个拒付,造成差评、 A-Z、拒付的原因是什么?
2.如果是有效跟踪单率过低,为什么有效跟踪单率那么低?是物流公司问题还是自己的发货问题?如果是及时回复率过低,为什么不能及时回复信息? 将自己可能导致销售权限被移除的原因做一个彻底的分析 。
第二步 评估自己的销售流程
账户被封, 一定要分析自己的销售过程是否有问题一一产品质量把关、物流服务、售后服务等是否有需要完善的地方。出现问题,都采取了哪些行动,以及对自己的这些行动进行分析和评价。同时还要确定你的库存中是否存在违反亚亚马逊政策和协议的商品。
申诉信都应包含一份行动计划, 改计划表明已经找到自己的销售和库存管理实践中存在的问题。计划如何改变自己的销售策略以解决问題。所有的申诉信和计划书都秉持一个思路:找到问题,解决问题,末来怎么做。亚马逊想看到的就是切实有效的行动计划。我们下面说说几个计策。
做亚马逊, 做到被亚马逊封店铺了, 说明很多指标可能部出现了问题,那么就要从根本上去解决这些问题,然后重新启航。
行动计划包涵内容:首先,确定哪些指标(负面反馈/亚马逊商城交易保障索赔/信用卡拒付)来达到马逊的绩效指标评估时,需要阅读买家留下的所有反馈评论。如果评论反映不能及时回复买家邮件, 你可以在行动计划中说明安排每日回复所有买家信函的时间; 如果是产品质量破损或者产品与描述不符, 则要在行动计划中加入产品质量把控、 物流服务优化等举措; 如果是因为未收到产品, 则要在行动计划中加入更换物流合作商以及发FBA的事宜。
行动计划包函内容: 去后台查一下设定的配送交货周期是否太短,货代方面是否有问题,你可以往行动计划中加入修改交货周期,与物流能力更稳定的货代合作、或者跟亚马逊承诺发FBA这种解决间題的方案 。
因配送前取消率较高而被移除,,行动计划包涵内容: 检查是否由于上架的商品长期缺货所致,你可以在行动计划中列出每日监控库存, 以确保自己绝对不会上架无法立即配送的商品,
1.发错货( 库存发错/物流发错/贴错运单等,我遇到过的千奇百怪)
Dear Amazon seller performance team
Thank you for your patience.
I have checked and looked up to the Amazon policy on line and leart more about selling behavior and FBA policy.
1. We have checked our distribution chain carefully, and we find some questions now.
Our parcel shipped by merchant before we use FBA shipping service. Now we have choose FBA service and our products packaging and shipping directly by the supplier, during the suddenly orders in large quantities and Chinese New Year Holiday may make a slip, the supplier shipping about 数量 empty packages to amazon.
2. Those steps will help us to prevent similar issue:
(1). We have deleted this listing to prevent our customer purchase this item but we cannot shipping it, We will not sell it until the factory shipping new items to Amazon again. Only when we can make sure it will not cause any other problems.
(2). We will carefully check the order to make sure everything was in good condition and right item before shipping it out. But we have realized there is a wrong way that we trust this matter to our supplier, we should remind the shipping process and we have appointed staffers to handle related matters.
(3). Some people were scheduled for check parcels, all our goods pass through our rigid quality control before shipment.
(4). We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness.
(5). We offered an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and new replacement as required on every damage and bad quality purchase to serve our clients best interests. Every email will be answered within 24 hours and try best to solve all of questions from customer feedback.
We hope Amazon can give us the opportunity; we will be dedicated to the Amazon platform users to provide a better and more perfect shopping experience. If you need any other information, please send us an email.
I am so sorry to bother you so many times, and take all your advice respectfully.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
店铺名 service
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanksfor your patience.
Weare Amazon seller 店铺名 and our sales permission suspended due to order defect rate ishigher than the goal of less than 1%.My sales plan is as follows:
1. Based on the circumstances, these 5 ordersplaced at this same time and day. That means we suspect and have good reason tosuspect that these negative feedbacks have intention to pursue unhealthycompetition with our peers. So please kindly check these orders, and you mayalso have such feeling. Following are 5 orders ID(出问题的订单号)
2.For new account we cannot use FBA service before 时间. Now we havesent a huge swath of goods to FBA stock, a tracking number is unavailable forthese item:(fba物流单号) and we will change the way oflogistics for more than 80% listing to FBA. Use FBA service can help us toproviding better products and excellent service for our customers.
3.We regret for this but we guarantee there is nothing wrong with our products.There is no bad review or feedback before these 5 disputes orders. Since I didcarefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in goodcondition before shipping it out, Please check our sales records.
4.We always stay in touch with our factory ensure quality of products produced tomeet customer demand. We request for all the sale invoices from our suppliereach time, we have made all the preparations to ensuring product quality andsafety dispute solved satisfactorily.
Pleasecheck our plan and we value our sales opportunities.
Weare anticipating your early reply.
店铺名 service
注:好文忍不住从SurTime卖家生态系统转载,不服发出你的解决方法,另外感觉姿势姐,感觉她是版主有版权问题找她!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 查看全部
3.违反了亚马逊有关受限商品的规定, 一些限制类的产品很多中国卖家是没有销售权限的, 如果违反相关规定也会被移除销售权。
第一步 明确你的销售权限被移除的原因。
详细的分析具体导致你的销售权限被移除的原因, 是因为:
1 绩效较差or2.因为违反了亚马逊的销售政策和协议而被取消,例如: ODR超标、有效跟踪单率过低、销售假冒伪劣产品等 。
1 如果是0DR超标, 那都是由什么原因造成的, 有多少个差评,多少个A-Z,多少个拒付,造成差评、 A-Z、拒付的原因是什么?
2.如果是有效跟踪单率过低,为什么有效跟踪单率那么低?是物流公司问题还是自己的发货问题?如果是及时回复率过低,为什么不能及时回复信息? 将自己可能导致销售权限被移除的原因做一个彻底的分析 。
第二步 评估自己的销售流程
账户被封, 一定要分析自己的销售过程是否有问题一一产品质量把关、物流服务、售后服务等是否有需要完善的地方。出现问题,都采取了哪些行动,以及对自己的这些行动进行分析和评价。同时还要确定你的库存中是否存在违反亚亚马逊政策和协议的商品。
申诉信都应包含一份行动计划, 改计划表明已经找到自己的销售和库存管理实践中存在的问题。计划如何改变自己的销售策略以解决问題。所有的申诉信和计划书都秉持一个思路:找到问题,解决问题,末来怎么做。亚马逊想看到的就是切实有效的行动计划。我们下面说说几个计策。
做亚马逊, 做到被亚马逊封店铺了, 说明很多指标可能部出现了问题,那么就要从根本上去解决这些问题,然后重新启航。
行动计划包涵内容:首先,确定哪些指标(负面反馈/亚马逊商城交易保障索赔/信用卡拒付)来达到马逊的绩效指标评估时,需要阅读买家留下的所有反馈评论。如果评论反映不能及时回复买家邮件, 你可以在行动计划中说明安排每日回复所有买家信函的时间; 如果是产品质量破损或者产品与描述不符, 则要在行动计划中加入产品质量把控、 物流服务优化等举措; 如果是因为未收到产品, 则要在行动计划中加入更换物流合作商以及发FBA的事宜。
行动计划包函内容: 去后台查一下设定的配送交货周期是否太短,货代方面是否有问题,你可以往行动计划中加入修改交货周期,与物流能力更稳定的货代合作、或者跟亚马逊承诺发FBA这种解决间題的方案 。
因配送前取消率较高而被移除,,行动计划包涵内容: 检查是否由于上架的商品长期缺货所致,你可以在行动计划中列出每日监控库存, 以确保自己绝对不会上架无法立即配送的商品,
1.发错货( 库存发错/物流发错/贴错运单等,我遇到过的千奇百怪)
Dear Amazon seller performance team
Thank you for your patience.
I have checked and looked up to the Amazon policy on line and leart more about selling behavior and FBA policy.
1. We have checked our distribution chain carefully, and we find some questions now.
Our parcel shipped by merchant before we use FBA shipping service. Now we have choose FBA service and our products packaging and shipping directly by the supplier, during the suddenly orders in large quantities and Chinese New Year Holiday may make a slip, the supplier shipping about 数量 empty packages to amazon.
2. Those steps will help us to prevent similar issue:
(1). We have deleted this listing to prevent our customer purchase this item but we cannot shipping it, We will not sell it until the factory shipping new items to Amazon again. Only when we can make sure it will not cause any other problems.
(2). We will carefully check the order to make sure everything was in good condition and right item before shipping it out. But we have realized there is a wrong way that we trust this matter to our supplier, we should remind the shipping process and we have appointed staffers to handle related matters.
(3). Some people were scheduled for check parcels, all our goods pass through our rigid quality control before shipment.
(4). We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness.
(5). We offered an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and new replacement as required on every damage and bad quality purchase to serve our clients best interests. Every email will be answered within 24 hours and try best to solve all of questions from customer feedback.
We hope Amazon can give us the opportunity; we will be dedicated to the Amazon platform users to provide a better and more perfect shopping experience. If you need any other information, please send us an email.
I am so sorry to bother you so many times, and take all your advice respectfully.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
店铺名 service
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanksfor your patience.
Weare Amazon seller 店铺名 and our sales permission suspended due to order defect rate ishigher than the goal of less than 1%.My sales plan is as follows:
1. Based on the circumstances, these 5 ordersplaced at this same time and day. That means we suspect and have good reason tosuspect that these negative feedbacks have intention to pursue unhealthycompetition with our peers. So please kindly check these orders, and you mayalso have such feeling. Following are 5 orders ID(出问题的订单号)
2.For new account we cannot use FBA service before 时间. Now we havesent a huge swath of goods to FBA stock, a tracking number is unavailable forthese item:(fba物流单号) and we will change the way oflogistics for more than 80% listing to FBA. Use FBA service can help us toproviding better products and excellent service for our customers.
3.We regret for this but we guarantee there is nothing wrong with our products.There is no bad review or feedback before these 5 disputes orders. Since I didcarefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in goodcondition before shipping it out, Please check our sales records.
4.We always stay in touch with our factory ensure quality of products produced tomeet customer demand. We request for all the sale invoices from our suppliereach time, we have made all the preparations to ensuring product quality andsafety dispute solved satisfactorily.
Pleasecheck our plan and we value our sales opportunities.
Weare anticipating your early reply.
店铺名 service
wish • 新晨费事 回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 3 个回复 • 15640 次浏览 • 2017-03-24 15:26
回复亚马逊 • WIseman 回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 4 个回复 • 28629 次浏览 • 2017-03-20 11:50
回复wish • 蒙蒙茶馆 回复了问题 • 3 人关注 • 1 个回复 • 3401 次浏览 • 2017-03-20 11:07
回复wish • 新晨费事 回复了问题 • 7 人关注 • 3 个回复 • 15640 次浏览 • 2017-03-24 15:26
亚马逊 • 牙齿齐刷刷 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 25712 次浏览 • 2017-07-12 17:41
电邮的后半段,亚马逊表示如果卖家可以提出完善解决抱怨原因的办法,就有可能恢复卖家的销售权。限时 17 天内要提解决办法,如果没有提交亚马逊将移除店铺 Listing 并且持续冻结账户资金。最后告知几个你可能违反的亚马逊条款,针对这些条款提出解决办法。
Appeal Letter to Amazon Seller Performance Team
Dear Amazon.com Seller Performance Team,
We recognize and understand the mistakes we made to bring us to this point.
These are our mistakes
1. Listing products that do not match the detail page 100%.
2. Failure to include appropriate quantities for product we listed against, as described on the detail page.
3. Failure fulfill products that match the detail page’s specification including but not limited to height, length, width, weight, color, material, brand, unique product identifier, functionality and authenticity of the product.
4. Improperly identify products we created listings for. Example: We didn’t provide full explanation that our products are the material we actually stated them; sometimes lacking any claim to material integrity at all.
5. Failure to comply with Amazon.com image and description compliance. Example: Our main images do not have white backgrounds with only the product in the image. Our descriptions were not full enough to provide the customer with full information to make a confident purchase on Amazon.com. This results in unsatisfied customer upon receipt of the item.
Steps we have taken and will continue to take:
1. We have removed all listings that are not within Amazon.com policy. We will not relist until a full analysis of all ASINs. Only when the product matches the ASIN 100% will we then list the product for sale. There will be a two person review of appropriate item being packaged for delivery in an Excel type checklists that the fulfillment team can log, record, and track. If the product does not match the product detail page 100% we will delete product from our account.
2. We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness. This has ensured all products are ‘new’ as described on the detail page.
3. We have re-written the description and bullet points to improve accuracy of the item’s presentation to Amazon.com standards.
4. We have re-written all weights, dimensions and quantity per order.
5. We have re-photographed all items that are not displaying the product accurate enough.
Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
电邮发出后,很快就收到就收到亚马逊自动回复的电邮,表示将在 24 小时内联系卖家。
While we waited for a reply we started doing exactly what we stated in our appeal.
1. We removed inventory from listings we received prior performance notifications over to check the quality and ensure it matched what was described on the listing.
2. We started changing out main pictures that did not have a pure white background.
3. We updated and changed product information and went into as much detail as possible about the product.
4. We contacted customers who left negative feedback and attempted to improve the feedback submitted by those customers.
虽然自动回复的信件表示 24 小时内会联系卖家,但这位卖家迟迟没有收到回信,等了十天之后决定发第二封短短的电邮,著名发信时间,询问是否能告知最新处理进度。
Our account was suspended 7/29/16. We sent in our appeal letter on 8/4/16. We have not received a response from seller performance team. Can you please give us a update of our appeal?
Thank you for your time.
于是卖家又在发了一次和一开始完全一样的申诉电邮,另外附上前一天审核通过的电邮内容(附在最下方的 Additional information 区块里)。
亚马逊的处理效率就不多说了,竟然品质如此低落。同一封申诉电邮不同人审核,竟然有完全相反的结果,没有个标准在。已经审核过的 Case 也没有关掉,竟然还浪费人力处理同一件事。
这篇实战经验分享给小伙伴,如果有同样困扰的朋友可以参考申诉套路。再次提醒,千万不要完全的照抄内容,一定要针对自己的商品或是店铺状况填写,用词也可以自行修改。 查看全部
电邮的后半段,亚马逊表示如果卖家可以提出完善解决抱怨原因的办法,就有可能恢复卖家的销售权。限时 17 天内要提解决办法,如果没有提交亚马逊将移除店铺 Listing 并且持续冻结账户资金。最后告知几个你可能违反的亚马逊条款,针对这些条款提出解决办法。
Appeal Letter to Amazon Seller Performance Team
Dear Amazon.com Seller Performance Team,
We recognize and understand the mistakes we made to bring us to this point.
These are our mistakes
1. Listing products that do not match the detail page 100%.
2. Failure to include appropriate quantities for product we listed against, as described on the detail page.
3. Failure fulfill products that match the detail page’s specification including but not limited to height, length, width, weight, color, material, brand, unique product identifier, functionality and authenticity of the product.
4. Improperly identify products we created listings for. Example: We didn’t provide full explanation that our products are the material we actually stated them; sometimes lacking any claim to material integrity at all.
5. Failure to comply with Amazon.com image and description compliance. Example: Our main images do not have white backgrounds with only the product in the image. Our descriptions were not full enough to provide the customer with full information to make a confident purchase on Amazon.com. This results in unsatisfied customer upon receipt of the item.
Steps we have taken and will continue to take:
1. We have removed all listings that are not within Amazon.com policy. We will not relist until a full analysis of all ASINs. Only when the product matches the ASIN 100% will we then list the product for sale. There will be a two person review of appropriate item being packaged for delivery in an Excel type checklists that the fulfillment team can log, record, and track. If the product does not match the product detail page 100% we will delete product from our account.
2. We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness. This has ensured all products are ‘new’ as described on the detail page.
3. We have re-written the description and bullet points to improve accuracy of the item’s presentation to Amazon.com standards.
4. We have re-written all weights, dimensions and quantity per order.
5. We have re-photographed all items that are not displaying the product accurate enough.
Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
电邮发出后,很快就收到就收到亚马逊自动回复的电邮,表示将在 24 小时内联系卖家。
While we waited for a reply we started doing exactly what we stated in our appeal.
1. We removed inventory from listings we received prior performance notifications over to check the quality and ensure it matched what was described on the listing.
2. We started changing out main pictures that did not have a pure white background.
3. We updated and changed product information and went into as much detail as possible about the product.
4. We contacted customers who left negative feedback and attempted to improve the feedback submitted by those customers.
虽然自动回复的信件表示 24 小时内会联系卖家,但这位卖家迟迟没有收到回信,等了十天之后决定发第二封短短的电邮,著名发信时间,询问是否能告知最新处理进度。
Our account was suspended 7/29/16. We sent in our appeal letter on 8/4/16. We have not received a response from seller performance team. Can you please give us a update of our appeal?
Thank you for your time.
于是卖家又在发了一次和一开始完全一样的申诉电邮,另外附上前一天审核通过的电邮内容(附在最下方的 Additional information 区块里)。
亚马逊的处理效率就不多说了,竟然品质如此低落。同一封申诉电邮不同人审核,竟然有完全相反的结果,没有个标准在。已经审核过的 Case 也没有关掉,竟然还浪费人力处理同一件事。
wish • 天空之城 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 19032 次浏览 • 2017-07-04 10:52
7.可以强调你们公司是垂直店及海外仓商户。(尽量写你是公司运营垂直类并打算用Wish Express)
TO: wish
We admit what you mentioned were ourmistakes. We had checked each problem order very carefully, and we found that ###### due to distribution limitation of logistics company, whose delivery speedis a great problem. As you can see attached pictures 1-3, we packed items veryfast and carefully,send the items to freight forwarding company in time. As for### ###because our customers may not notice “styles randomly sent”, due to the shoesstyle one and two are from the same factory, so that we had do the listing inone. Our customers may not attention to the description notes, and make anrefund reason is “not as described” or “send the wrong goods”. Anyhow, wehave't done good enough.
For those problems, our companyattached great importances, and held a meeting to discuss the customer refundand the necessity and timeliness of logistics information management and takecorresponding measures to do better.
1, we had increased two logisticscompanies to delivery our goods,###. and Shenzhen###. Which improve timelinessby 5%.
2, we will join in WISH EXPRESS todelivery our goods, which can improve the delivery aging by 20%.
3, we will try to find the nearestfactories/manufacturers to cooperate, so that we can advancing stock and get fulltime for goods preparation, and send the goods to our freight forwarding within48 hours.
4. Add a shipping delivery warehouse,shipment 12 hours in advance.
5. We will modify the master drawingto avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings, or one product create one listing,instead of two products in the same listing.
We really want to do moreprofessional, we’ll be greatly appreciate it if you can give us one more chance, since wehad made a great progress in Wish before, hope we can make mutual improvementin the future, thanks in advance! 查看全部
7.可以强调你们公司是垂直店及海外仓商户。(尽量写你是公司运营垂直类并打算用Wish Express)
TO: wish
We admit what you mentioned were ourmistakes. We had checked each problem order very carefully, and we found that ###### due to distribution limitation of logistics company, whose delivery speedis a great problem. As you can see attached pictures 1-3, we packed items veryfast and carefully,send the items to freight forwarding company in time. As for### ###because our customers may not notice “styles randomly sent”, due to the shoesstyle one and two are from the same factory, so that we had do the listing inone. Our customers may not attention to the description notes, and make anrefund reason is “not as described” or “send the wrong goods”. Anyhow, wehave't done good enough.
For those problems, our companyattached great importances, and held a meeting to discuss the customer refundand the necessity and timeliness of logistics information management and takecorresponding measures to do better.
1, we had increased two logisticscompanies to delivery our goods,###. and Shenzhen###. Which improve timelinessby 5%.
2, we will join in WISH EXPRESS todelivery our goods, which can improve the delivery aging by 20%.
3, we will try to find the nearestfactories/manufacturers to cooperate, so that we can advancing stock and get fulltime for goods preparation, and send the goods to our freight forwarding within48 hours.
4. Add a shipping delivery warehouse,shipment 12 hours in advance.
5. We will modify the master drawingto avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings, or one product create one listing,instead of two products in the same listing.
We really want to do moreprofessional, we’ll be greatly appreciate it if you can give us one more chance, since wehad made a great progress in Wish before, hope we can make mutual improvementin the future, thanks in advance!
亚马逊 • 葡萄咖啡 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 23097 次浏览 • 2017-06-15 11:11
1.混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1.为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
...... 查看全部
1.混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1.为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
亚马逊 • 我要养条大狗 发表了文章 • 4 个评论 • 77748 次浏览 • 2017-04-26 14:18
3.违反了亚马逊有关受限商品的规定, 一些限制类的产品很多中国卖家是没有销售权限的, 如果违反相关规定也会被移除销售权。
第一步 明确你的销售权限被移除的原因。
详细的分析具体导致你的销售权限被移除的原因, 是因为:
1 绩效较差or2.因为违反了亚马逊的销售政策和协议而被取消,例如: ODR超标、有效跟踪单率过低、销售假冒伪劣产品等 。
1 如果是0DR超标, 那都是由什么原因造成的, 有多少个差评,多少个A-Z,多少个拒付,造成差评、 A-Z、拒付的原因是什么?
2.如果是有效跟踪单率过低,为什么有效跟踪单率那么低?是物流公司问题还是自己的发货问题?如果是及时回复率过低,为什么不能及时回复信息? 将自己可能导致销售权限被移除的原因做一个彻底的分析 。
第二步 评估自己的销售流程
账户被封, 一定要分析自己的销售过程是否有问题一一产品质量把关、物流服务、售后服务等是否有需要完善的地方。出现问题,都采取了哪些行动,以及对自己的这些行动进行分析和评价。同时还要确定你的库存中是否存在违反亚亚马逊政策和协议的商品。
申诉信都应包含一份行动计划, 改计划表明已经找到自己的销售和库存管理实践中存在的问题。计划如何改变自己的销售策略以解决问題。所有的申诉信和计划书都秉持一个思路:找到问题,解决问题,末来怎么做。亚马逊想看到的就是切实有效的行动计划。我们下面说说几个计策。
做亚马逊, 做到被亚马逊封店铺了, 说明很多指标可能部出现了问题,那么就要从根本上去解决这些问题,然后重新启航。
行动计划包涵内容:首先,确定哪些指标(负面反馈/亚马逊商城交易保障索赔/信用卡拒付)来达到马逊的绩效指标评估时,需要阅读买家留下的所有反馈评论。如果评论反映不能及时回复买家邮件, 你可以在行动计划中说明安排每日回复所有买家信函的时间; 如果是产品质量破损或者产品与描述不符, 则要在行动计划中加入产品质量把控、 物流服务优化等举措; 如果是因为未收到产品, 则要在行动计划中加入更换物流合作商以及发FBA的事宜。
行动计划包函内容: 去后台查一下设定的配送交货周期是否太短,货代方面是否有问题,你可以往行动计划中加入修改交货周期,与物流能力更稳定的货代合作、或者跟亚马逊承诺发FBA这种解决间題的方案 。
因配送前取消率较高而被移除,,行动计划包涵内容: 检查是否由于上架的商品长期缺货所致,你可以在行动计划中列出每日监控库存, 以确保自己绝对不会上架无法立即配送的商品,
1.发错货( 库存发错/物流发错/贴错运单等,我遇到过的千奇百怪)
Dear Amazon seller performance team
Thank you for your patience.
I have checked and looked up to the Amazon policy on line and leart more about selling behavior and FBA policy.
1. We have checked our distribution chain carefully, and we find some questions now.
Our parcel shipped by merchant before we use FBA shipping service. Now we have choose FBA service and our products packaging and shipping directly by the supplier, during the suddenly orders in large quantities and Chinese New Year Holiday may make a slip, the supplier shipping about 数量 empty packages to amazon.
2. Those steps will help us to prevent similar issue:
(1). We have deleted this listing to prevent our customer purchase this item but we cannot shipping it, We will not sell it until the factory shipping new items to Amazon again. Only when we can make sure it will not cause any other problems.
(2). We will carefully check the order to make sure everything was in good condition and right item before shipping it out. But we have realized there is a wrong way that we trust this matter to our supplier, we should remind the shipping process and we have appointed staffers to handle related matters.
(3). Some people were scheduled for check parcels, all our goods pass through our rigid quality control before shipment.
(4). We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness.
(5). We offered an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and new replacement as required on every damage and bad quality purchase to serve our clients best interests. Every email will be answered within 24 hours and try best to solve all of questions from customer feedback.
We hope Amazon can give us the opportunity; we will be dedicated to the Amazon platform users to provide a better and more perfect shopping experience. If you need any other information, please send us an email.
I am so sorry to bother you so many times, and take all your advice respectfully.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
店铺名 service
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanksfor your patience.
Weare Amazon seller 店铺名 and our sales permission suspended due to order defect rate ishigher than the goal of less than 1%.My sales plan is as follows:
1. Based on the circumstances, these 5 ordersplaced at this same time and day. That means we suspect and have good reason tosuspect that these negative feedbacks have intention to pursue unhealthycompetition with our peers. So please kindly check these orders, and you mayalso have such feeling. Following are 5 orders ID(出问题的订单号)
2.For new account we cannot use FBA service before 时间. Now we havesent a huge swath of goods to FBA stock, a tracking number is unavailable forthese item:(fba物流单号) and we will change the way oflogistics for more than 80% listing to FBA. Use FBA service can help us toproviding better products and excellent service for our customers.
3.We regret for this but we guarantee there is nothing wrong with our products.There is no bad review or feedback before these 5 disputes orders. Since I didcarefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in goodcondition before shipping it out, Please check our sales records.
4.We always stay in touch with our factory ensure quality of products produced tomeet customer demand. We request for all the sale invoices from our suppliereach time, we have made all the preparations to ensuring product quality andsafety dispute solved satisfactorily.
Pleasecheck our plan and we value our sales opportunities.
Weare anticipating your early reply.
店铺名 service
注:好文忍不住从SurTime卖家生态系统转载,不服发出你的解决方法,另外感觉姿势姐,感觉她是版主有版权问题找她!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 查看全部
3.违反了亚马逊有关受限商品的规定, 一些限制类的产品很多中国卖家是没有销售权限的, 如果违反相关规定也会被移除销售权。
第一步 明确你的销售权限被移除的原因。
详细的分析具体导致你的销售权限被移除的原因, 是因为:
1 绩效较差or2.因为违反了亚马逊的销售政策和协议而被取消,例如: ODR超标、有效跟踪单率过低、销售假冒伪劣产品等 。
1 如果是0DR超标, 那都是由什么原因造成的, 有多少个差评,多少个A-Z,多少个拒付,造成差评、 A-Z、拒付的原因是什么?
2.如果是有效跟踪单率过低,为什么有效跟踪单率那么低?是物流公司问题还是自己的发货问题?如果是及时回复率过低,为什么不能及时回复信息? 将自己可能导致销售权限被移除的原因做一个彻底的分析 。
第二步 评估自己的销售流程
账户被封, 一定要分析自己的销售过程是否有问题一一产品质量把关、物流服务、售后服务等是否有需要完善的地方。出现问题,都采取了哪些行动,以及对自己的这些行动进行分析和评价。同时还要确定你的库存中是否存在违反亚亚马逊政策和协议的商品。
申诉信都应包含一份行动计划, 改计划表明已经找到自己的销售和库存管理实践中存在的问题。计划如何改变自己的销售策略以解决问題。所有的申诉信和计划书都秉持一个思路:找到问题,解决问题,末来怎么做。亚马逊想看到的就是切实有效的行动计划。我们下面说说几个计策。
做亚马逊, 做到被亚马逊封店铺了, 说明很多指标可能部出现了问题,那么就要从根本上去解决这些问题,然后重新启航。
行动计划包涵内容:首先,确定哪些指标(负面反馈/亚马逊商城交易保障索赔/信用卡拒付)来达到马逊的绩效指标评估时,需要阅读买家留下的所有反馈评论。如果评论反映不能及时回复买家邮件, 你可以在行动计划中说明安排每日回复所有买家信函的时间; 如果是产品质量破损或者产品与描述不符, 则要在行动计划中加入产品质量把控、 物流服务优化等举措; 如果是因为未收到产品, 则要在行动计划中加入更换物流合作商以及发FBA的事宜。
行动计划包函内容: 去后台查一下设定的配送交货周期是否太短,货代方面是否有问题,你可以往行动计划中加入修改交货周期,与物流能力更稳定的货代合作、或者跟亚马逊承诺发FBA这种解决间題的方案 。
因配送前取消率较高而被移除,,行动计划包涵内容: 检查是否由于上架的商品长期缺货所致,你可以在行动计划中列出每日监控库存, 以确保自己绝对不会上架无法立即配送的商品,
1.发错货( 库存发错/物流发错/贴错运单等,我遇到过的千奇百怪)
Dear Amazon seller performance team
Thank you for your patience.
I have checked and looked up to the Amazon policy on line and leart more about selling behavior and FBA policy.
1. We have checked our distribution chain carefully, and we find some questions now.
Our parcel shipped by merchant before we use FBA shipping service. Now we have choose FBA service and our products packaging and shipping directly by the supplier, during the suddenly orders in large quantities and Chinese New Year Holiday may make a slip, the supplier shipping about 数量 empty packages to amazon.
2. Those steps will help us to prevent similar issue:
(1). We have deleted this listing to prevent our customer purchase this item but we cannot shipping it, We will not sell it until the factory shipping new items to Amazon again. Only when we can make sure it will not cause any other problems.
(2). We will carefully check the order to make sure everything was in good condition and right item before shipping it out. But we have realized there is a wrong way that we trust this matter to our supplier, we should remind the shipping process and we have appointed staffers to handle related matters.
(3). Some people were scheduled for check parcels, all our goods pass through our rigid quality control before shipment.
(4). We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness.
(5). We offered an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee and new replacement as required on every damage and bad quality purchase to serve our clients best interests. Every email will be answered within 24 hours and try best to solve all of questions from customer feedback.
We hope Amazon can give us the opportunity; we will be dedicated to the Amazon platform users to provide a better and more perfect shopping experience. If you need any other information, please send us an email.
I am so sorry to bother you so many times, and take all your advice respectfully.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best Regards,
店铺名 service
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanksfor your patience.
Weare Amazon seller 店铺名 and our sales permission suspended due to order defect rate ishigher than the goal of less than 1%.My sales plan is as follows:
1. Based on the circumstances, these 5 ordersplaced at this same time and day. That means we suspect and have good reason tosuspect that these negative feedbacks have intention to pursue unhealthycompetition with our peers. So please kindly check these orders, and you mayalso have such feeling. Following are 5 orders ID(出问题的订单号)
2.For new account we cannot use FBA service before 时间. Now we havesent a huge swath of goods to FBA stock, a tracking number is unavailable forthese item:(fba物流单号) and we will change the way oflogistics for more than 80% listing to FBA. Use FBA service can help us toproviding better products and excellent service for our customers.
3.We regret for this but we guarantee there is nothing wrong with our products.There is no bad review or feedback before these 5 disputes orders. Since I didcarefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in goodcondition before shipping it out, Please check our sales records.
4.We always stay in touch with our factory ensure quality of products produced tomeet customer demand. We request for all the sale invoices from our suppliereach time, we have made all the preparations to ensuring product quality andsafety dispute solved satisfactorily.
Pleasecheck our plan and we value our sales opportunities.
Weare anticipating your early reply.
店铺名 service
亚马逊 • Emotiona 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 12806 次浏览 • 2017-01-22 11:21
1、混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1、为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
Example 2
To whom it may concern,
We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%.
We have reviewed our fulfillment procedures and have determined the two areas that need to be addressed:Shipment Creation and Inventory Availability.
We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping, we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.
To address inventory availability issues we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location to speed shipment creation. Having all Amazon inventory at one location will eliminate delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.
Thank you for considering this appeal.
Example 3
I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe there are two main reasons this has happened:
Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and, even worse, unavailable items.
When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has been too slow and communication with customers has not been adequate.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen an increase in customer A-z guarantee claims which has resulted in our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Plan of Action:
We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.
Most importantly, we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims.
In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventory upload file.
Our Plan of Action:
Our inventory file has been reviewed. All misclassified condition items have been re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines. Entire inventory has been deleted from Marketplace to reflect all changes.
All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Example 4
Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your concern of our account. Before receiving the performance review notification, we were exactly working with the customers to resolve their problem.
We firmly believe that we're not only providing the product but also the customer service.
Firstly, we're very sorry about our negligence of packaging, and the incaution of carrying and transporting by logistics company which result in defective working condition of one item, we had to ship the replacement but had the customer waiting more time for delivery, they are kind but we are sorry. (讲清楚没包装运输过程中导致产品损坏,退换货时间长让顾客等很久,自己很抱歉)
Secondly, the incaution of testing and checking up by the tester in factory result in missing indicator light covers of one item, which in normal working condition but give customer defective impression of the product, we had contact with the customer and shipped the missing element, and sorry to bring him inconvenience. (发货前的出厂检查不够细致收到的产品缺零部件)
These are our faults due to lack of strict management of the product and service providers.
Thirdly, we're new to Amazon selling and lack of familiarity with the rules and message system using, which result in missing timely response to 4 messages from the buyers on our months ago arranged long holiday, it was supposed the messages would notice timely on mobile phone email system to us but it didn't work, we promise this would never ever happen again to the customers.(没有及时回复顾客信息)
We would like to earnestly beg your consideration about the feedback of other items received by other buyers, some of them had left positive feedbacks and reviews to the product and admired our customer service. We promise to provide customers both good products and good customer service.
If we have the chance to continue selling on Amazon, we will do as follows:
1. We will ask the factory to execute stricter checking up and testing process for our products, and request every confirmation and signature of testing result for every product from the tester in factory. We self will execute sampling check for different production batch and regular visit to production line of the factory every week. Make sure we ship out every item in integral and good working condition.
2. We will ask the factory to package with stronger crash proof and shockproof measure, like filling in the blanks with proof foam and wrapping up with hard carton. Change the logistics service provider with better transporting service.
3. We will keep login in the Amazon seller center on PC and check out buyer message at least three times a day, to ensure promptly response to the customer with 12 hours. And passionately handle any queries or complaints or product issues from every customer, will keep notice customer forwardly for the tracking information of the transporting package. To improve the customer experience by pre-sale, in-sale, after-sale process.
We write this sincerely and will try our best to provide good products and customer service on Amazon. Meanwhile, we sincerely hope Amazon team will give serious consideration and give us a new chance. This is not only chance but also hope to us, we eagerly hope we can further develop our undertaking here. Look forward to hearing from your reply. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Example 5
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.
2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours
3. In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service. 查看全部
Example 1
1、混乱的管理模式, 缺货,通过ERP发货,与客户沟通不足,还有选择错误的物流方式才导致迟发率高于4%。
1、为了避免这种情况在发生,我们后续将会100%选择FBA, 不会选择其他渠道,我们已经有一名员工专门负责FBA。
Example 2
To whom it may concern,
We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension. We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%.
We have reviewed our fulfillment procedures and have determined the two areas that need to be addressed:Shipment Creation and Inventory Availability.
We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping, we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment. This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently.
To address inventory availability issues we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location to speed shipment creation. Having all Amazon inventory at one location will eliminate delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.
Thank you for considering this appeal.
Example 3
I understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe there are two main reasons this has happened:
Disorganization in our inventory management has resulted in late shipments and, even worse, unavailable items.
When late shipments and unavailable items have occurred our response to has been too slow and communication with customers has not been adequate.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen an increase in customer A-z guarantee claims which has resulted in our order defect rate exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Plan of Action:
We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
Improve inventory control by reducing the number of items offered until we have systems in place to more adequately handle the number of orders we are receiving.
Most importantly, we will respond more quickly and proactively to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims.
In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
In evaluating our selling practices, we found a mistake in our inventory upload file.
Our Plan of Action:
Our inventory file has been reviewed. All misclassified condition items have been re-categorized to follow Amazon's Condition Guidelines. Entire inventory has been deleted from Marketplace to reflect all changes.
All of our vendors' inventory will be reviewed before adding to our inventory. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Example 4
Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your concern of our account. Before receiving the performance review notification, we were exactly working with the customers to resolve their problem.
We firmly believe that we're not only providing the product but also the customer service.
Firstly, we're very sorry about our negligence of packaging, and the incaution of carrying and transporting by logistics company which result in defective working condition of one item, we had to ship the replacement but had the customer waiting more time for delivery, they are kind but we are sorry. (讲清楚没包装运输过程中导致产品损坏,退换货时间长让顾客等很久,自己很抱歉)
Secondly, the incaution of testing and checking up by the tester in factory result in missing indicator light covers of one item, which in normal working condition but give customer defective impression of the product, we had contact with the customer and shipped the missing element, and sorry to bring him inconvenience. (发货前的出厂检查不够细致收到的产品缺零部件)
These are our faults due to lack of strict management of the product and service providers.
Thirdly, we're new to Amazon selling and lack of familiarity with the rules and message system using, which result in missing timely response to 4 messages from the buyers on our months ago arranged long holiday, it was supposed the messages would notice timely on mobile phone email system to us but it didn't work, we promise this would never ever happen again to the customers.(没有及时回复顾客信息)
We would like to earnestly beg your consideration about the feedback of other items received by other buyers, some of them had left positive feedbacks and reviews to the product and admired our customer service. We promise to provide customers both good products and good customer service.
If we have the chance to continue selling on Amazon, we will do as follows:
1. We will ask the factory to execute stricter checking up and testing process for our products, and request every confirmation and signature of testing result for every product from the tester in factory. We self will execute sampling check for different production batch and regular visit to production line of the factory every week. Make sure we ship out every item in integral and good working condition.
2. We will ask the factory to package with stronger crash proof and shockproof measure, like filling in the blanks with proof foam and wrapping up with hard carton. Change the logistics service provider with better transporting service.
3. We will keep login in the Amazon seller center on PC and check out buyer message at least three times a day, to ensure promptly response to the customer with 12 hours. And passionately handle any queries or complaints or product issues from every customer, will keep notice customer forwardly for the tracking information of the transporting package. To improve the customer experience by pre-sale, in-sale, after-sale process.
We write this sincerely and will try our best to provide good products and customer service on Amazon. Meanwhile, we sincerely hope Amazon team will give serious consideration and give us a new chance. This is not only chance but also hope to us, we eagerly hope we can further develop our undertaking here. Look forward to hearing from your reply. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Example 5
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.
2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours
3. In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
亚马逊 • Emotiona 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 11606 次浏览 • 2017-01-22 11:18
新店上LISTING时因图片侵权被禁售Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your notification on the policy violation on the......, we would like to sincerely apologize for the terrible mistake we made.
We are a small company in China focusing on foreign trade and selling on Amazon US has been one of our ultimate dreams.
We did a lot of preparation in order to launch our store in Amazon and worked with the Amazon sales manager Mr. .... on a lot of details including the can do's and can'ts. He informed us beforehand that image and character violation is a very serious issue in Amazon and we have taken that very very seriously.
However, one of our sales staff ,who is new to the company, accidentally put this product onto the list because we would like to start our sales with 50 skus ( We had 49 skus ready at that time.) He uploaded the product without everyone's else's knowledge and I would in person would like to apologize again for my carelessness in staff management.
Here are the things our company has done to prevent such issue from happening again.
1. We just organized a training again on the can's and can't the sales manager Henry sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including image violation of products and wording violation on product and checked all the product that we have already listed.
2. We deleted all the products that we think that could potentially violate the policies.
3. We have setup rules in the company that all of our inventory must be carefully reviewed and would not violate any Amazon policies before adding to our inventory and listing on Amazon.
I would like to apologize for a third time for my carelessness in management ,and please do let us know what else can we do to reinstate our account and we will do everything we can to meet the target.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
your name
Example 2
Dear Amazon Team,
We received a policy warning stated that Amazon has removed some images form our site because of a rights owner complaint about image(s) that infringe its intellectual property rights.
Complaint ID:
The picture that Amazon has removed:
We always work hard to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service, it is hard for us to believe that our images infringe others' intellectual property rights. All the photos of this item (ASIN: B01DKFMSEW) was taken and designed by our designer.
Firstly, we contact the rights owner directly to resolve this dispute. We asked the right owner review the pictures,finally, he found that the picture is from us, below is the screenshoot of our e-mail.(Have attached)
Email 1: 邮件链接
Email 2: 邮件链接
Secondly, We have advised the rights owner to contact Amazon at notice@amazon.co.uk to withdraw the complaint.(I have mentioned it in e-mail)
Thirdly, we can provide all the photo and source file as an evidence.(Please see the attachment)
1. Photo
Taken From:
Shooting Time:
Shooting Location:
2. Source File: You can see how we processing the picutre in Photoshop.
Please review this case, and we are looing for a fair and just reply.If you need additional details, please kindly contact us, we will reply you in the first time.
Best Regards
Lucy 查看全部
新店上LISTING时因图片侵权被禁售Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your notification on the policy violation on the......, we would like to sincerely apologize for the terrible mistake we made.
We are a small company in China focusing on foreign trade and selling on Amazon US has been one of our ultimate dreams.
We did a lot of preparation in order to launch our store in Amazon and worked with the Amazon sales manager Mr. .... on a lot of details including the can do's and can'ts. He informed us beforehand that image and character violation is a very serious issue in Amazon and we have taken that very very seriously.
However, one of our sales staff ,who is new to the company, accidentally put this product onto the list because we would like to start our sales with 50 skus ( We had 49 skus ready at that time.) He uploaded the product without everyone's else's knowledge and I would in person would like to apologize again for my carelessness in staff management.
Here are the things our company has done to prevent such issue from happening again.
1. We just organized a training again on the can's and can't the sales manager Henry sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including image violation of products and wording violation on product and checked all the product that we have already listed.
2. We deleted all the products that we think that could potentially violate the policies.
3. We have setup rules in the company that all of our inventory must be carefully reviewed and would not violate any Amazon policies before adding to our inventory and listing on Amazon.
I would like to apologize for a third time for my carelessness in management ,and please do let us know what else can we do to reinstate our account and we will do everything we can to meet the target.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
your name
Example 2
Dear Amazon Team,
We received a policy warning stated that Amazon has removed some images form our site because of a rights owner complaint about image(s) that infringe its intellectual property rights.
Complaint ID:
The picture that Amazon has removed:
We always work hard to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service, it is hard for us to believe that our images infringe others' intellectual property rights. All the photos of this item (ASIN: B01DKFMSEW) was taken and designed by our designer.
Firstly, we contact the rights owner directly to resolve this dispute. We asked the right owner review the pictures,finally, he found that the picture is from us, below is the screenshoot of our e-mail.(Have attached)
Email 1: 邮件链接
Email 2: 邮件链接
Secondly, We have advised the rights owner to contact Amazon at notice@amazon.co.uk to withdraw the complaint.(I have mentioned it in e-mail)
Thirdly, we can provide all the photo and source file as an evidence.(Please see the attachment)
1. Photo
Taken From:
Shooting Time:
Shooting Location:
2. Source File: You can see how we processing the picutre in Photoshop.
Please review this case, and we are looing for a fair and just reply.If you need additional details, please kindly contact us, we will reply you in the first time.
Best Regards
亚马逊 • Emotiona 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 19939 次浏览 • 2017-01-22 11:14
Example 2
Dear Amazon seller support,
Thank you for your concern of our account.
We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products.
We immediately check the listings.
Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.
Secondly, as the items of Amazon seller performance stated, we did not know this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is our fault.
We had removed the listings and promise we won't sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant.
Would you please consider the account seller rating and customers feedback to us? We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback.
Hope Amazon can look through to it.
If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:
1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.
3. We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.
4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
店铺名 查看全部
Example 2
Dear Amazon seller support,
Thank you for your concern of our account.
We received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed cause we sold counterfeit products.
We immediately check the listings.
Firstly we are very sorry about our ignorance, we are new to Amazon selling, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on your platform.
Secondly, as the items of Amazon seller performance stated, we did not know this product is with its own brand, to this point we acknowledge it is our fault.
We had removed the listings and promise we won't sell it again on Amazon if we do not get the warrant.
Would you please consider the account seller rating and customers feedback to us? We provided customer both good products and customer service. We never got a claim or negative feedback.
Hope Amazon can look through to it.
If you can give us a chance, we will do as follows:
1. Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
2. We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately.
3. We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.
4. If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
亚马逊 • 垭口的风 发表了文章 • 0 个评论 • 103865 次浏览 • 2016-12-26 14:06
the customer Order Date: November 28. the Estimated Delivery:
Dec 24, 2014 to Jan 13, 2015. Time hasn't arrived yet, the customer gave us a bad review.
Can you help us to cancel the bad review?thank you very much,best wishes for you!
Hi,dear. I am apologize for any inconvenience,On September 6, the customer bought products. Amazon rules specified date is Estimated Delivery: Oct 1, 2015 to Oct 20, 2015. Order ID: # 002-4854872-7971445. the item it is on the way now, we hope that will soon be reached, the items in the amazon transportation within the date specified, but the customer gave us a bad review, we have contacted the customer, explains with our customer, but customer didn't reply us, I really want to try to solve the problem for the customer, customer satisfaction, will further improve the way of shipping. Can you help me to delete the feedback, can you give me a chance,okay? thank you for your understanding, really need your help. pls give me a chance. best wishes for you. thank you very much.
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology.
We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you.
Service Team
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review about the Asin: B00WQI3LPU without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you. Service Team
Hi,dear friend,thanks for your kindness and understanding.We have refunded you full,pls check your amazon account.Please contact us if you have any concerns. maybe you can go to the page at the below to help us : http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/cu ... odeId=537774#remove Or Please as these step-by-step instructions help us remove your feedback: 1.Go to Amazon.com and click Your Account in the upper right hand corner. 2. Click Your Orders. 3. On the right, select a date range from the Date drop-down box. Click Go. A list of orders appears. 4. Locate your order and click View Order Details in the left-hand column, under the Order Placed date. 5. Scroll down to Your Seller Feedback and click Remove. The Remove Feedback page appears. 6. Select a reason for removing the feedback, and then click Remove Feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Best wishes for you ! Sincerely, Nikki What can I do about incorrect negative feedback?
(符合以下条件的差评, 可以向亚马逊申请移除)
As a general rule, Amazon does not remove buyer feedback even if it is unwarranted or the issue has been resolved. For more information about resolving and responding to buyer feedback, see Using the Feedback Manager. Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases: • The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane. • The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, full names, or telephone numbers. • The entire feedback comment is a product review. For example: The Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. However, if the feedback comment is only partly a product review but also contains feedback about the seller’s service, this feedback would not be removed: Seller’s shipping service was very slow, and the Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. • The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating with the following statement: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience. We strongly suggest that you work with buyers to resolve negative feedback. However, if you believe that the feedback you received meets any of these criteria, then contact us by clicking the "Contact Seller Support" link at the bottom of this page. Select "Orders" from the left-hand menu and then "Customer feedback problems." We will evaluate the feedback and make a decision whether to remove the feedback. ________________________________________
Dear Amazon, Please help to remove this 1-star feedback. It is a product review, not a feedback to store. As buyer said, actually our service is very prompt and courteous. Thank you. Best regards, Team
给客户退款以后,给亚马逊陈述: Hi, dear Amazon, we have already provided The Customer with a full refund, pls see emails to and from the customer for reference. Thanks BRS Team
给客户退全款,请客户撤销A-Z索赔: Hi, dear friend, We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. we will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that It will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. For our mistake, we have already given you a full refund. I know you are a good buyer, you will help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. looking for your reply. all my best wishes for you. WIKOOL
Dear Valued Customer,
We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenience caused by it , please accept our sincere apology. We have contacted you on April 9 April 10 and we want to refund to you, because we have no this product in our warehouse in that time. We have been waiting for your reply so far, want to regard to the remainder of the order or refund to you. Now we have this product, if you also want we reship to you, we will reship you immediately, is it okay for you? Or you want to get a full refund, we will give you full refund. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that it will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim, is it okey for you? All our best wishes for you. Waiting for your reply. Sincerely yours, Nikki
Dear Buyer,
Thank you for contacting us about the problem of your recent order. Hopefully we have fully resolved your issue. If you think the problem is now solved and would like to withdraw the A-to-z Claim, which you filed eariler on this order__________(订单ID), we would greatly appreciate it. Here are the steps to withdraw your A-to-z claim in the orders section of Your Account. To withdraw a claim for purchases made on Amazon.com Go to Your Orders Locate your order in the list and click Order Details. If the order has already shipped, click Withdraw claim under Problem with this order? on the order summary page. Follow the prompts to explain the withdrawal and click Withdraw claim to complete the request. We hope you have a pleasant day, thank you for shopping at __________(这放店铺名). Yours sincerely, _______(店铺名) Customer Service Team 查看全部
the customer Order Date: November 28. the Estimated Delivery:
Dec 24, 2014 to Jan 13, 2015. Time hasn't arrived yet, the customer gave us a bad review.
Can you help us to cancel the bad review?thank you very much,best wishes for you!
Hi,dear. I am apologize for any inconvenience,On September 6, the customer bought products. Amazon rules specified date is Estimated Delivery: Oct 1, 2015 to Oct 20, 2015. Order ID: # 002-4854872-7971445. the item it is on the way now, we hope that will soon be reached, the items in the amazon transportation within the date specified, but the customer gave us a bad review, we have contacted the customer, explains with our customer, but customer didn't reply us, I really want to try to solve the problem for the customer, customer satisfaction, will further improve the way of shipping. Can you help me to delete the feedback, can you give me a chance,okay? thank you for your understanding, really need your help. pls give me a chance. best wishes for you. thank you very much.
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology.
We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you.
Service Team
Hi, dear friend,
We are so sorry to see the review about the Asin: B00WQI3LPU without receiving any emails from you. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. We will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role to our shop. we hope that It will be a chance to help us to remove the review. For our mistake, if you revise the feedback, we will give you a full refund and you can keep the item at the same time. we know you are a good buyer, you will help us. Many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. Looking for your reply. All our best wishes for you. Service Team
Hi,dear friend,thanks for your kindness and understanding.We have refunded you full,pls check your amazon account.Please contact us if you have any concerns. maybe you can go to the page at the below to help us : http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/cu ... odeId=537774#remove Or Please as these step-by-step instructions help us remove your feedback: 1.Go to Amazon.com and click Your Account in the upper right hand corner. 2. Click Your Orders. 3. On the right, select a date range from the Date drop-down box. Click Go. A list of orders appears. 4. Locate your order and click View Order Details in the left-hand column, under the Order Placed date. 5. Scroll down to Your Seller Feedback and click Remove. The Remove Feedback page appears. 6. Select a reason for removing the feedback, and then click Remove Feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Best wishes for you ! Sincerely, Nikki What can I do about incorrect negative feedback?
(符合以下条件的差评, 可以向亚马逊申请移除)
As a general rule, Amazon does not remove buyer feedback even if it is unwarranted or the issue has been resolved. For more information about resolving and responding to buyer feedback, see Using the Feedback Manager. Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases: • The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane. • The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, full names, or telephone numbers. • The entire feedback comment is a product review. For example: The Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. However, if the feedback comment is only partly a product review but also contains feedback about the seller’s service, this feedback would not be removed: Seller’s shipping service was very slow, and the Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget. • The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating with the following statement: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience. We strongly suggest that you work with buyers to resolve negative feedback. However, if you believe that the feedback you received meets any of these criteria, then contact us by clicking the "Contact Seller Support" link at the bottom of this page. Select "Orders" from the left-hand menu and then "Customer feedback problems." We will evaluate the feedback and make a decision whether to remove the feedback. ________________________________________
Dear Amazon, Please help to remove this 1-star feedback. It is a product review, not a feedback to store. As buyer said, actually our service is very prompt and courteous. Thank you. Best regards, Team
给客户退款以后,给亚马逊陈述: Hi, dear Amazon, we have already provided The Customer with a full refund, pls see emails to and from the customer for reference. Thanks BRS Team
给客户退全款,请客户撤销A-Z索赔: Hi, dear friend, We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenient caused by it please accept our sincere apology. we will be more careful Next time,and try all our best to be more professional. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that It will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. For our mistake, we have already given you a full refund. I know you are a good buyer, you will help me to withdraw the A-Z claim. many many thanks for your support and your kind understanding. looking for your reply. all my best wishes for you. WIKOOL
Dear Valued Customer,
We are so sorry to the A-Z claim that you submitted. So sorry for the mistake and any inconvenience caused by it , please accept our sincere apology. We have contacted you on April 9 April 10 and we want to refund to you, because we have no this product in our warehouse in that time. We have been waiting for your reply so far, want to regard to the remainder of the order or refund to you. Now we have this product, if you also want we reship to you, we will reship you immediately, is it okay for you? Or you want to get a full refund, we will give you full refund. As a new store, Customers' review will play an important role. I hope that it will be a chance to help me to withdraw the A-Z claim, is it okey for you? All our best wishes for you. Waiting for your reply. Sincerely yours, Nikki
Dear Buyer,
Thank you for contacting us about the problem of your recent order. Hopefully we have fully resolved your issue. If you think the problem is now solved and would like to withdraw the A-to-z Claim, which you filed eariler on this order__________(订单ID), we would greatly appreciate it. Here are the steps to withdraw your A-to-z claim in the orders section of Your Account. To withdraw a claim for purchases made on Amazon.com Go to Your Orders Locate your order in the list and click Order Details. If the order has already shipped, click Withdraw claim under Problem with this order? on the order summary page. Follow the prompts to explain the withdrawal and click Withdraw claim to complete the request. We hope you have a pleasant day, thank you for shopping at __________(这放店铺名). Yours sincerely, _______(店铺名) Customer Service Team
申诉 • 小刀 发表了文章 • 1 个评论 • 12669 次浏览 • 2016-12-22 17:20
What can I do to keep selling on Amazon?
If your selling privileges have been removed, they may be eligible for reinstatement. Here's how to appeal:
Step 1: Determine why your selling privileges were removed
Read the notice you received from Amazon to determine whether your account was suspended/blocked for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies and Agreements.
Step 2: Evaluate your selling practices
Review your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction, and your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies and Agreements.
Step 3: Create a Plan of Action
Create a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2. Providing a precise Plan of Action that can effectively address the problems improves the chance that your selling privileges may be reinstated.
Step 4: Send your appeal to Amazon
Once you have created your Plan of Action, send it to Seller Performance with your request for reinstatement.
In your selling account, on the Performance tab, click Performance Notifications.
Find the notice you received about the removal of your selling privileges and click the "Appeal" button, and then the "Appeal decision" button.
Enter your Plan of Action details in the form provided. Also be sure to include a telephone number where we can contact you if necessary.
Click "Submit appeal" to send your completed appeal to Seller Performance.
Step 5: Watch your e-mail for a decision from Amazon
After receiving your Plan of Action, we'll notify you of our decision by e-mail, usually within 48 hours. We review all appeals carefully; however, submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your selling privileges.
How do I create a Plan of Action?
Your appeal should always include a Plan of Action that shows you have identified the problems in your selling and/or inventory management practices and addresses how you will change your practices to resolve them. Below are a few examples to illustrate this.
Performance Issues
Example 1: The notice from Seller Performance indicates your selling privileges were removed due to a high order defect rate.Action: Check your customer metrics page to determine which metric (negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and/or credit card chargebacks) does not meet our performance targets. You may find, for instance, that your percentage of negative feedback does not meet the target. As you evaluate your account, you may want to read all of the feedback comments left for you by buyers. If comments reflect a lack of response from you to buyer e-mails, your Plan of Action may include scheduling time every day to respond to all buyer correspondence.
Example 2: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high late shipment rate and your customer metrics show that the late shipment rate does not meet our performance target. Action: After you’ve shipped your orders and confirmed 100% of the shipments, you could review your feedback and order fulfillment practices. You may find that you have not shipped orders within two days of the order date because your order volume has increased. Your Plan of Action may include adjusting your processes to manage a larger volume of orders.
Example 3: The notice received from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high pre-fulfillment order cancel rate and your customer metrics show that your cancel rate does not meet our performance target. Action: You could review your inventory management and/or inventory control processes. You may find that your high cancel rate is due to being chronically out of stock of listed items. Your Plan of Action may include monitoring your inventory daily to make sure you never list items you cannot ship immediately.
When evaluating your selling practices, here are some areas you may want to review:
Shipment of orders – are you shipping your items within 2 days of the order date?
Communication with buyers – are you effectively responding to buyer questions and doing so promptly and politely?
Stocking inventory – are you consistently running out of inventory and cancelling orders?
Listings – are you describing your items accurately in your listing comments?
Policy Violations
If your selling privileges were removed for violations of our policies, review your inventory to determine whether it includes Restricted Products, and compare your selling practices with our Selling Policies.
Example: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed for selling promotional versions of media (prohibited on Amazon.com). Action: You could review your inventory and your inventory intake process. You may find that your supplier includes promo CDs in their shipments. Your Plan of Action might include immediately removing those items from your inventory, and then making changes to ensure you review your inventory regularly to remove promotional media.
What can I do to keep selling on Amazon?
If your selling privileges have been removed, they may be eligible for reinstatement. Here's how to appeal:
Step 1: Determine why your selling privileges were removed
Read the notice you received from Amazon to determine whether your account was suspended/blocked for poor performance, or for one or more violations of our selling Policies and Agreements.
Step 2: Evaluate your selling practices
Review your customer metrics and identify those that do not meet our performance targets. Evaluate your selling practices for those that may result in buyer dissatisfaction, and your inventory for items that are in violation of our Policies and Agreements.
Step 3: Create a Plan of Action
Create a Plan of Action outlining the steps you will take to correct the problems you identified in Step 2. Providing a precise Plan of Action that can effectively address the problems improves the chance that your selling privileges may be reinstated.
Step 4: Send your appeal to Amazon
Once you have created your Plan of Action, send it to Seller Performance with your request for reinstatement.
In your selling account, on the Performance tab, click Performance Notifications.
Find the notice you received about the removal of your selling privileges and click the "Appeal" button, and then the "Appeal decision" button.
Enter your Plan of Action details in the form provided. Also be sure to include a telephone number where we can contact you if necessary.
Click "Submit appeal" to send your completed appeal to Seller Performance.
Step 5: Watch your e-mail for a decision from Amazon
After receiving your Plan of Action, we'll notify you of our decision by e-mail, usually within 48 hours. We review all appeals carefully; however, submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your selling privileges.
How do I create a Plan of Action?
Your appeal should always include a Plan of Action that shows you have identified the problems in your selling and/or inventory management practices and addresses how you will change your practices to resolve them. Below are a few examples to illustrate this.
Performance Issues
Example 1: The notice from Seller Performance indicates your selling privileges were removed due to a high order defect rate.Action: Check your customer metrics page to determine which metric (negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and/or credit card chargebacks) does not meet our performance targets. You may find, for instance, that your percentage of negative feedback does not meet the target. As you evaluate your account, you may want to read all of the feedback comments left for you by buyers. If comments reflect a lack of response from you to buyer e-mails, your Plan of Action may include scheduling time every day to respond to all buyer correspondence.
Example 2: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high late shipment rate and your customer metrics show that the late shipment rate does not meet our performance target. Action: After you’ve shipped your orders and confirmed 100% of the shipments, you could review your feedback and order fulfillment practices. You may find that you have not shipped orders within two days of the order date because your order volume has increased. Your Plan of Action may include adjusting your processes to manage a larger volume of orders.
Example 3: The notice received from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed due to a high pre-fulfillment order cancel rate and your customer metrics show that your cancel rate does not meet our performance target. Action: You could review your inventory management and/or inventory control processes. You may find that your high cancel rate is due to being chronically out of stock of listed items. Your Plan of Action may include monitoring your inventory daily to make sure you never list items you cannot ship immediately.
When evaluating your selling practices, here are some areas you may want to review:
Shipment of orders – are you shipping your items within 2 days of the order date?
Communication with buyers – are you effectively responding to buyer questions and doing so promptly and politely?
Stocking inventory – are you consistently running out of inventory and cancelling orders?
Listings – are you describing your items accurately in your listing comments?
Policy Violations
If your selling privileges were removed for violations of our policies, review your inventory to determine whether it includes Restricted Products, and compare your selling practices with our Selling Policies.
Example: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed for selling promotional versions of media (prohibited on Amazon.com). Action: You could review your inventory and your inventory intake process. You may find that your supplier includes promo CDs in their shipments. Your Plan of Action might include immediately removing those items from your inventory, and then making changes to ensure you review your inventory regularly to remove promotional media.