Introduction: If you receive a patent infringement complaint and you believe that your product does not infringe any patent, how should you appeal? This article will show you:
1) Types and definition of patents
2) Punishments for patent infringement
3) How to search for the complainant's patent
4) How to appeal against alleged patent infringement
I. Types and definition of patents (We take China, the United States, and Europe as examples here, but the classification of patents may vary across different countries/regions.)
《中华人民共和国专利法》第二条: 本法所称的发明创造是指发明、实用新型和外观设计。
《中华人民共和国专利法》第六十四条 发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以其权利要求的内容为准,说明书及附图可以用于解释权利要求的内容。
Article 2 of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China:
For the purposes of this Law, invention-creations mean inventions, utility models, and designs.
Inventions mean new technical solutions proposed for a product, a process, or the improvement thereof.
Utility models mean new technical solutions proposed for the shape and structure of a product, or the combination thereof, which are fit for practical use.
Designs mean, with respect to a product, new designs of the shape, pattern, or the combination thereof, or the combination of the color with shape and pattern, which are rich in an aesthetic appeal and are fit for industrial application.
Article 64 of the Patent Law of the People Republic of China:
The scope of protection of patent rights for an invention or a utility model shall be based on the contents of the claims; the specification and drawings may be used to explain the contents of the claims. The scope of protection of patent rights for a design shall be based on the design of the products illustrated in the pictures or photographs; the brief explanation of the design may be used to explain the design of the products illustrated in the pictures or photographs.
Europe: Commonly-seen European IPR rights include designs and patents. European patents are granted for inventions in accordance with the European Patent Convention. Once granted, a European patent has the same effect and is subject to the same conditions as a national patent in the designated contracting states. Common European designs include registered community designs and non-registered community design. The scope of the protection shall be confined to the designs. The right owners can also apply for a patent under the national law of an EU member state. Once granted, the patent is only protected in such member state.
(1)发明专利(Utility Patent),或称实用专利,在美国专利法中规定,实用专利是任何新且有用的方法,机器、制造或物质的组成,或者是上述任何新且有用的改进。美国发明专利的审查及授权要求一般较为严格
(2)外观设计专利(Design patent),是指针对具有一定新颖性及美学设计的外观进行保护,包括布局外观设计等。除此以外,美国法下还包括植物品种专利(Plant Patent)等,此处不再赘述。
United States: In the United States, the main categories of patents are:
(1) utility patents, which are patents that cover any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof (There are strict statutory requirements in the United States for granting a patent for an invention);
(2) design patents that protect the novel and aesthetic or ornamental designs of a functional item, including layout designs. The United States also grants plant patents under the patent law.
Explanation: Common types of patents include invention, utility model, and design patents (some countries do not have utility models). The scope of protection of a patent for an invention or a utility model shall be confined to what is claimed. The alleged product may fall within the scope of protection of a patent if it contains technical features identical or equivalent to those described in the claim of the patent. The scope of protection of a design patent shall be confined to the design of the product as shown in the drawings or pictures. Where a design identical or similar to the patented design is incorporated in the product of the same or similar category of the product incorporating the patented design, the alleged design shall be deemed to have fallen within the protection scope of the design patent.
II. Punishments for patent infringement
Alibaba.com 跨境交易平台商家,烦请查询:
Please note that intellectual property right violations are prohibited on the platform. Where someone complains that your product has infringed their patent right:
If you are a seller on Alibaba.com, refer to Intellectual Property Rules of Alibaba.com:
If you are a seller on AliExpress.com, refer to AliExpress Intellectual Property page:
1) 严重侵权:取决于个案的严重情况,处罚和扣分将会累积,严重情况下可能导致店铺关闭。
平台有权对用户产品违规及侵权行为及用户店铺采取处罚,包括但不限于 (i)退回或删除商品/信息; (ii)限制商品发布; (iii)暂时冻结账户; 及 (iv) 关闭账号。对于关闭账号的用户,平台有权采取措施防止用户再次在平台上进行登记;
Alibaba.com 平台,直接点此进入申诉通道:https://appeal.alibaba.com/complaint/seller/appeal.htm
1. Serious violations: The punishments depend on the severity of violations. Punishments and penalty points are accumulative. Serious violations may lead to the closure of stores.
2. Patent infringement: Unauthorized listings and sales of products that infringe others' patents (including design, utility model, or invention patents), and other improper use of others' patents without permission.
In case of any product violation and infringing act, the platform has the right to impose punishments, including but not limited to:
(1). deleting products/information;
(2). restricting the listings of products;
(3). temporarily freezing the account;
(4). closing the account. For sellers whose accounts are closed, the platform has the right to prevent them from signing up again.
If you believe your product does not infringe any patent and want to appeal:
On Alibaba.com, please raise the appeal at
On Aliexpress.com, please raise the appeal at
III. How to search for the complainant's patent
a. 在申诉页面所下载的投诉方知识产权相关材料证书中核实,具体查询方式如上文所示;
b. 在国家知识产权局专利查询网站查询:http://cpquery.cnipa.gov.cn/(中国及多国专利审查信息查询系统)
1) You can search for the complainant's patent in the following ways:
Chinese patents: http://cpquery.cnipa.gov.cn/
(Chinese/multinational patent inquiry system)
U.S. patents: http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html
(U.S. patent and trademark authority)
European patents: https://euipo.europa.eu/eSearch/(Designs)
https://www.epo.org/searching-for-patents.html (Patents)
2) In some cases, you can assess and download the complainant's IPR rights on the Appeal page
3) How to check the application date/priority date of the complainant's patent?
a. Download the complaint's intellectual property materials on the Appeal page and check the application date of the patent as shown above.
b. Search on the website of China National Intellectual Property Administration: http://cpquery.cnipa.gov.cn/ (Chinese/multinational patent inquiry system)
Priority date: Priority date is a special concept under the patent law. Under Article 29 of the Patent Law of People’s Republic of China,
Where an applicant, within twelve months from the date of first-filed patent application for an invention or utility model in a foreign country or within six months from the date of the first-filed patent application for a design in a foreign country, also files a patent application for the same subject in China, he/it may enjoy priority in accordance with the agreement entered into between the foreign country and China or the international treaty participated by both the foreign country and China or under the principle of mutual recognition of priority. Where an applicant, within twelve months from the date of the first submission in China of an application for a patent for invention or utility model, or within six months from the date of the first submission in China of an application for a patent for design, also files an application for a patent for the same subject with the patent administrative department under the State Council, he/it may enjoy priority.
If a patent has a priority date, the materials should prove that the prior use occurred prior to the priority date. If you cannot identify the priority date on the patent license, you can check it on the patent inquiry website.