The system is currently experiencing technical difficulties.
Suggestion: Please try again later.
3)若是多语信息无法直接获取文案内容,您可以根据截图中Error code对应以下列表进行引导。您可以按Ctrl+F键并输入买家截图中形如“CSC_7200017”的Error code在本页面快速定位。
支付失败错误码 |
失败原因 |
建议方案 |
参考说辞(请结合实际情况修改后再发送给买家) |
CSC_7200006 |
买家选择的支付币种暂不支持 |
建议买家更换支付币种尝试支付,比如买家可以选择USD再次尝试支付 |
This error is due to currency you selected does not support currently. You may try to pay in USD instead. |
CSC_7200009 |
买家支付超过卡或者支付账号限额 |
建议买家核实限额,可以尝试提升限额;同时可以尝试换卡换支付方式完成支付 |
Exceed limit set up for your card/account. Please double check and increase it for payment again. |
CSC_7200011 |
买家支付账户余额不足 |
建议买家核实支付账户余额,确保余额充足后重试 |
This error is due to insufficient balance under your account. Can you please check if you have enough balance for payment again? |
CSC_7200012 |
卡过期或者卡有效期填写有误 |
建议买家核实卡有效期信息,确保填写信息正确/卡过期的情况需要买家联系银行更新卡有效期,当下的订单建议买家换卡换支付方式完成支付 |
This error is due to incorrect card validity date. Please double check if your card is expired or incorrect date was input. |
CSC_7200015 |
银行拒绝,具体原因需要跟银行确认 |
建议买家联系银行确认具体原因,同时可以尝试换卡换支付方式完成支付 |
This error is due to bank rejection. Please contact with bank to confirm detailed reason of it. Meanwhile, please try to pay through another card or payment methods if possible. |
CSC_7200020 |
卡信息填写有误 |
建议买家核实卡信息如卡号、持卡人姓名、卡有效期、CVV号。卡过期的情况需要买家联系银行更新卡有效期,当下的订单建议买家换卡换支付方式完成支付 |
This error is due to incorrect card information. Please double check card information including card number, card holder name, validity date and CVV number and input correct one for payment again. |
CSC_7200021 |
卡信息中的CVV号填写有误 |
建议买家核实CVV号信息,确保输入正确CVV号支付 |
This error is due to wrong CVV input. Please double check and input correct one for payment again |
CSC_7200022 |
可能由于币种不支持,卡不支持导致支付失败 |
建议买家切换成USD或换卡换支付方式尝试支付 |
CSC_7200051 |
This error may due to card or currency selected cannot be supported for payment. Please change currency into USD or try to pay through another card or payment methods. |
CSC_7200001 |
CSC_7200026 |
资金存在疑似风险 |
需要买家在线提交所需信息进行申诉(可以点击“Claim on Alipay”按钮或者通过以下链接提交) : -申诉通过后可以使用审核通过的卡继续支付 -一般申诉3个工作日内完结,大促期间会全力保障审核快速完成,请建议买家提交后耐心等待。申诉提交链接:https://irescenter.alipay.com/appeal/appealList.htm?locale=en_US |
This error is due to potential security problem. Please submit required documents for card verification through https://irescenter.alipay.com/appeal/appealList.htm?locale=en_US . Related team is working on this and will update you status of it through email as soon as possible. You can try it again after verification. |
CSC_7200034 |
买家收货信息不全 |
建议买家取消订单并重新下单,确保新订单的地址、姓名等信息填写完整再尝试支付 |
This error is due to incomplete information. Please double and fill in completed delivery information like name of receiver for ordering again. |
CSC_7200040 |
该卡在银行端被限制 |
建议买家联系银行确认具体原因,同时可以尝试换卡换支付方式完成支付 |
This error is due to bank rejection. Please contact with bank to confirm detailed reason of it. Meanwhile, please try to pay through another card or payment methods if possible. |