This article divides into five parts and will provide guidance to business on how to file an appeal for copyright infringement complaints:
I. Basic knowledge - Definition of copyright and Platform's responsibilities
II. Common copyright infringement scenarios on the Platform
III. Platform's rules on copyright infringement and appeal channels
IV. Pre-appeal preparation - How to search the complainant's copyright
五、如何准备著作权申诉材料 & 如何在商家后台发起被控著作权侵权申诉
V. How to prepare appeal material and raise an appeal
I. Basic knowledge - Definition of copyright and Platform's responsibilities
Copyright is a collection of rights legally vested in the author of a literary, artistic or scientific work. Copyright protects original works of authorship in literary, artistic and scientific areas, which are fixed in a tangible medium of expression.
Scope of protection
In accordance with the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementation rules, all types of works that appear on the Platform, such as literary, artistic, photographic, audiovisual works, models and computer software, are protected by copyright. Copyright infringement is the use of copyrighted material, such as text, photos, videos, music and software, without permission of the copyright owner.
Any work of foreigners and stateless persons which is published for the first time within the territory of China shall be protected by China's copyright law. The copyright enjoyed by foreigners or stateless persons in any of their works under an agreement concluded between China and the country to which the authors belong or in which they have their habitual residences, or under an international treaty to which both countries are parties, shall be protected by China's copyright law. Any work of an author from a country that has not concluded an agreement with China or does not join an international treaty to which China is a party and any work of a stateless person, which is published for the first time in a member country of an international treaty to which China is a party, or simultaneously published in a member country of the treaty and a non-member country, shall be protected by China's copyright law.
Platform's responsibilities
In accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on Protection of Information Network Transmission Rights, the E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant laws and regulations, if a seller uses network services to infringe upon the rights of others, the right owner has the right to ask the platform to take necessary measures such as deleting, blocking, and disabling the link. A platform may be subject to legal liabilities if it fails to take necessary measures when a seller uses network services to infringe on the civil rights and interests of others.Therefore, the platform will take appropriate measures against potential copyright infringement in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the copyright owner's notice of infringement and the seller's statement.
II. Common copyright infringement scenarios on the Platform
(1) 商品或包装出现他人享有著作权的作品信息;
(1) A product or packaging contains copyrighted material of others.
Example 1-1: Unauthorized use of a copyrighted work in a product listed or products for sale or its packaging
Example 1-2: A product listed or products for sale or its packaging is an infringing copy.
(2) 信息页面,例如属性、SKU主图或详情页,商家未经授权使用第三方享有著作权的作品。
A seller uses a third party's copyrighted work in the information pages without permission, such as product description, SKU main pages or details pages.
Example 1-1: Unauthorized use of a third party's copyrighted artistic work in the main pages/SKUs/details pages.
Image theft: Unauthorized use of the photographic works from a third-party website in the main pages/SKUs/details pages.
III. Platform's rules on copyright infringement and appeal channels
Any intellectual property right violations are prohibited on the Platform. You can refer to specific rules in the following ways:
a.当你是Alibaba.com 跨境交易平台商家,烦请查询:https://rule.alibaba.com/rule/detail/11000392.htm(阿里巴巴国际站知识产权规则)
1)If you are a seller on Alibaba.com, please refer: https://rule.alibaba.com/rule/detail/11000393.htm
https://sell.aliexpress.com/zh/__pc/ipr_rules.htm (阿里全球速卖通知识产权规则)
2)If you are a seller on AliExpress.com, please refer:https://sell.aliexpress.com/zh/__pc/77Y4QdcvjD.htm
a. 首次违规扣0分,建议商家及时自检自查,防止二次侵权及其他处罚;
For first-time violation, you will not receive any penalty points but we recommend business to conduct self-inspection to prevent second violation and other punishments.
b. 其后每次重复违规扣 6 分,累计达48分的店铺会被关闭账号。
For subsequent violations, you will receive 6 penalty points for each violation. A store that accumulates 48 penalty points will be closed.
In case of any product violation and infringing act, the Platform has the right to impose punishments, including but not limited to: deleting products/information, restricting the listings of products, temporarily freezing or closing the account. For sellers whose accounts are closed, the Platform has the right to prevent them from signing up again.
Please note that if you believe you do not infringe upon any copyright and want to appeal, you can file an appeal through the following channels:
a. Alibaba.com 平台烦请直接点此进入申诉通道:https://appeal.alibaba.com/complaint/seller/appeal.htm
On Alibaba.com, please raise the appeal at: https://appeal.alibaba.com/complaint/seller/appeal.htm
On Alibaba.com, please raise the appeal at: https://appeal.alibaba.com/complaint/seller/appeal.htm
IV. Pre-appeal preparation - How to search the complainant's copyright qualification
Download directly: Access the Appeal page sent by the Platform, go to Intellectual property Attachment - Download Attachment, and download the complainant's copyright notice or registration certificate:
2) Search online:
For copyright registration certificates in China, please access Appeal page - Intellectual Property Number to obtain the complainant's copyright registration number and authenticate the copyright registration certificate on a public website.
Chinese copyright registration query: http://qgzpdj.ccopyright.com.cn/ (National Copyright Registration Database Management Platform)
The following are the public portals to search for copyright in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and some foreign countries (for reference only):
Intellectual Property Department of the HKSAR (trademark, patent, copyright, and design): https://www.ipd.gov.hk/chi/home.htm
Taiwan Intellectual Property Office: https://www.tips.org.tw
Australian copyright administration department: https://www.communications.gov.au/what-we-do/copyright
Canadian intellectual property databases (patent, trademark, copyright, design): http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/wr00012.html
U.K. Intellectual Property Office (patent, trademark, copyright, design): https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/intellectual-property-office
Korea Copyright Commission: https://www.copyright.or.kr/eng/main.do
Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan: https://www.bunka.go.jp/english/index.html
U.S. Copyright Office: https://www.copyright.gov
For image theft complaints, please access Appeal page - Intellectual Property Name to check the complainant's website and authenticate the image.
V. How to file an appeal against a copyright infringement complaint? What material should you prepare?
If you received a copyright infringement complaint, you can file an appeal in different ways including but not limited to the following ways: