当卖家尝试与卖家中心(Seller Central)联系解决问题时,如果沟通不畅,不被理解,他们会感到很挫败。那么如何更好进行交流呢?
与亚马逊卖家中心沟通,卖家需要登录账号,点击屏幕右上角的“Help”,会出现如下页面,然后点击底部的“Contact Us”。
接下来,会看到一个问题“What service can we help you with?”,选择“Selling on Amazon,”然后出现下图(罗列各种类型的问题),选择自己问题所属类别。
当卖家通过“Contact Us”按钮与卖家中心代表进行沟通时,要谨记以下几点:
“The customer experience”——卖家应该知道亚马逊一直致力于成为“以客户为中心”的电商平台。他们希望客户在平台有很好的购物体验,以便将其转化为忠实客户。因此,卖家中心代表非常重视客户体验问题。如果卖家能找到一个方式,让代表知道你的问题如何影响客户体验,则更可能得到积极回应。以下是同样问题,不同的表述方式:
效果不太好:Please help me change the title of this product so that I can get more sales. The current title is wrong, and I can’t get my product on the first search page.
效果比较好:The current title of this product is affecting the customer experience because customers cannot easily find it in a search using the correct title. Please change the title of the product to improve the customer experience.
·“Take ownership”——亚马逊要求卖家中心代表全力处理问题,找出最好的解决方案。如果你遇到棘手的问题,而代表又不提供有效的帮助,你可以礼貌地提醒他们尽心提供协助。
比如:Thank you for continuing to assist me. We have already been working on this problem for over a week now, and we still haven’t solved the problem. Please take ownership of this issue and help me investigate the best solution.
有时当你尝试联系卖家中心时,一开始并不会得到好的回复。如果你知道他们的回应是错误的,就要坚持一下(同时保持礼貌),重开案子。这是使用“take ownership”词组的好机会,或者也可以用另一个魔力词汇:escalate。
比如:Thank you for continuing to assist me on this issue. The reimbursement amount I received is unfair. Please refer to the numbers I have provided you below. If you aren’t able to help me get the correct reimbursement, please escalate this case to your supervisor. I appreciate your help!
上述交流方法,可以让卖家更好地与卖家中心代表沟通,从而尽快解决问题。(编译/雨果网 杨雪平)