Hi Peng,
As discussed, please find below answers in red for your questions. Any doubts, please let us know.
1. 中国国际账号卖家是否被禁止入驻noon.com,只能入驻Kul.com平台?
For China international account only for Kul.com, not allow to noon.com, is that true?
International accounts will be KUL exclusive.国际账号是Kul.com专有的账号类型。
2. Kul.com平台对中国国际账户卖家,可以提供哪些业务:SB2B、FBN/FBK、Direct express
For chinese international account, what business mode noon.com or kul.com provide: SB2B、FBN/FBK、Direct express
Direct express and FBK will be available for KUL. We will start with Direct express. The modus operation will be explained in detail.
3. Kul账号是不是只能用于Kul,不能用于noon.com?
Register international account in Kul.com, can be used for noon.com as well?
For now international account and direct express services are exclusive for KUL.
4. 从noon.com 和Kul.com前台,能否知道该产品的销售率及销售情况?
sellers wants to know that from the website, they can have any data to knows that the products sales good or not?
Products of each categories are sorted by popularity and price. You can choose sort by popularity. The products on the top are best sellers of the category. Reports on best sellers for different category can also be shared as required.
5. 平台能否分享一些销售指导,关于选品、销售品类、市场用户分析等
they need some simple instruction materials, some like successful case / what materials good for sale in KSA/UAE or Middle East
Success stories and some guidance can be provided.可以提供。
6. NOON前台,通过关键词搜索出来的商品的展示顺序,是NOON系统依据产品销量这个决定性因素来来展示的吗?
In noon.com or kul.com, if searching by key words like mobile/toy/shoes they will come out the products, the list in website based on sales or no rules on this?
The products can be sorted by popularity and price. If sort by popularity, products on the top are best selling products based on sales, returns, store performance, etc
they are asking that, why Kul? compare with noon/amazon in UAE and KSA. what is the benifit for them to select do in Kul.com?
Kul is a platform focusing on low to mid segment audience which represent 42% of the population expecting to grow exponentially over the next few years. Tapping the audience opens a new avenue to add many new customers and sales.
7. 卖家需要知道,Noon/Kul是否会给新入驻卖家(中国国际用户)分配FBN/FBK的库容,多少库容?按CBM还是SKU数量计算?
They wishing to know is there any warehouse space for them since FBN it is very different get space for china sellers, for new sellers any space for them, how many SKU or CBM?
The model currently is SB2B/Direct ship. For top selling products we can look at FBK shipments as we understand potential of products on case to case basis
8. 一些卖家反馈说不希望做Kul平台,因为和noon相比Kul平台没有流量,没有销量;
most of the sellers saying that they do not want to do with Kul since the sales marketing not well compare with noon.com
Marketing of KUL is at the same level of Noon with significant investments going in for growth, in last 3 months the platform has grown > 3900% with the projections of growing further at the same pace.
9. 卖家咨询,noon.com 或 Kul.com 是否有付费广告服务:即支付费用将产品提升首页、前台展示,增加曝光率
Seller asking if noon.com or Kul.com have homepage product display paid service, sellers can pay then put their shop products on home page or app main page.
We will be promoting international sellers on HP, however we can use means of additional discounts, coupons, offers like B1G1 & exclusive products to gain visibility on the platform
10. NOON平台创建入仓ASN,会遇到worry sku的情况,请问怎么提前知道SKU允许入仓的SKU和数量?
Sellers will face wrong SKU when they apply Inbound ASN, please share how the sellers will knows allowed inbound SKU and QTY before they create ASN?
ASN should be based on B2B sales and current FBK stocks. Skus with good sales and insufficient stocks will be allowed for inbounding.
11. 想了解一下产品下面的大图是怎么上传的?
seller want to know how they uploading the big size images for the product?
For top selling products this can done through sending request to our content team which can help create such enhanced pages.